Currently reading: "
Moscow, 1941". Insightful. Gossipy. Moving
The story of this parade, November, 1941, is remarkable, a HUGE gamble on Stalin's part
The parade was controversial among the handful who knew about it ... one week to prepare ... units withdrawn from the front and returned immediately ... very little practice ... the tankers were especially concerned about slippage and accidents .... yet as you can see, it came off brilliantly ... most 'guests' got their invits the morning of the parade ... the chief sound engineer arrived just before 10:00 and the entire parade was
over ...the square was deserted ... he realized he was a dead man ... the NKVD men marched up to him and said "Comrade, Stalin
knows you didn't record the parade and his speech. It was our fault, we didn't tell you the parade had secretly been advanced to 8:00 AM. You will build a podium-set in the Kremlin and film and record Stalin reading his speech" And it was so. (They forgot the snowflakes on his shoulders and there was no steamy breath )
THAT parade, the
audacity of that parade in the face to the catastrophic disasters that had befallen the Soviet Leadership and Russian People was ELECTRIC and set the stage for the first German defeat scant weeks later in the suburbs and at the gates of Moscow.
THAT parade was Stalin's gut instinct showing ... and his gut was on the mark.