Pictures of Bavaria and other parts of Southern Germany.

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Here are a few more pics that I took yesterday. They were taken in the city of Nurnberg (I may have actually posted pics of these before on an earlier date, but I can't remember.) which is about 30 minutes from where I live.

The weather was terrible so I did not take very many pics. Next week I will be able to post up some nice pics, because me and my wife are heading down to Berchtesgaden down in the Alps on the Austrian border to see the "Eagles Nest" as well as visit Salzburg, Austria.

Until then though here are a few pics of Nurnberg that I took yesterday:

Cool pics Herr Adler.
The old city parts of Nürnberg sure look lovely.

Before going to Berchtesgadener Land, I can strongly recommend for you to get hold of a book called "History of the Eagle's Nest - a complete account of Adolf Hitler's alledged "Mountain Fortress"", by Florian M. Beierl, published by Verlag Plenk, Berchtesgaden.
My bet is that it's a lot cheaper to buy the book online, than it is to buy it at the shop at Berghof; I can recommend the book if you want to read about the complete history of the building of the place, which is quite fascinating.

What fascinates me even more, is that they still find new and interesting stuff down there every year - forgotten garages, secret shelters, leftover gear from the soldiers that patrolled the entire area, and what have you. The book also have a chapter about the treasure hunts that has been going on in the area during the years, and the various finds in recent years, ranging from rusty tin cans, broken china and Martin Bormann's bird houses, to soldier's helmets and such.

There's also the book called "Obersalzberg - The Eagle's Nest and Adolf Hitler" by Ernst Hanish, published by the Berchtesgadener Landesstiftung, which gives a more general view on the history of the Berghof from the building of the place, up until the end of the war and the demolition of many of the buildings, among them Hermann Göring's house at Obersalzberg, and the SS barracks. There's also a couple of nice panorama photo maps in the book.

And then there's the book "Eagle's Nest - Obersalzberg in a historical view", published by Verlag Fabritius, which is more of a picture book than anything else. There's some nice photos of the area and the history of the Berghof, though.

Beierl's book is the most extensive of the titles mentioned here; I bought the three books when my ex - Timo - and I visited the Berghof some years ago.
Take your time, enjoy the place and the surroundings, dig into the history, and...I sure hope you get some really nice weather when you guys go there, because that mountain area sure is beautiful! (- as you already know... )

If you want me to, I'll be happy to post my pics in my photo thread from the Berghof and Berchtesgaden - that ought to give you a small preview of the house.
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Thanks for the tip. I have been to the Eagles nest several times. Been to Bertchesgaden many times as well.
Yesterday went to Berchtesgaden down in the Alps on the Austrian border. While I was there we went up to the Eagles Nest and then afterwords went to Salzburg in Austria. Even though Austria is not really Bavaria, I will post those pics here as well.

Here are the pics of Berchtesgaden and the Eagles Nest.

Hitler had good taste in real estate.

A quote from a British tourist standing next to me at the Eagles Nest looking at the beuatiful alps around him:

If you had all of this (pointing at the country side) and on top of that Eva Braun, why the bloody hell would you go and start a war?"

Great shots!

What an awesome setting to call home. It must be fascinating to be there in person, both for the scenery and for the history connected to the place...

As far as the British tourist's comment:
If you had all of this (pointing at the country side) and on top of that Eva Braun, why the bloody hell would you go and start a war?"
President Lincoln once said: "If you wish to test a man's character, give him power..."

Thanks for sharing the pics, looking forward to the rest!
As I said, I would post some pics of Salzburg, Austria in here as well. Austria is not really Bavaria but it does border it and the land and people are very similar. Hell I personally think that Austrians are just displaced Germans. Just kidding by the way...

So anyhow, here are some pics from when I was in Salzburg last week:


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