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That sounds pretty much like what I've read. At least one USAAF P-47 intercept of Me262's mentioned how lucky he was to catch a pair of A2's down low and slow, probably short on fuel. As soon as his .50's let them know he was diving on them, the one he didn't flame took off, climbing at a speed he couldn't hope to match and disappeared.

And I thought the majority of of Me262 fatalities were groundfire, misadventure and bomber's guns and ground attack aircraft, the greater portion of those shot down by fighters were at their airfields before those wrongly assigned high altitude Focke Wulf things were stationed to protect them when they were vulnerable (they could've used F-8's or Gustavs for that and let the whatchamacallits do their high altitude intercept job).

It's been a long while since I've read all this stuff though so I don't trust my memory too precisely.
I'll have you know Britain has been using that "word" for a long-long time. The Australians are a little slow on the uptake, so it's new to them.

(No joke)
First off, I don't have a wife. And shut the fuck up, then grow up. There's no place for stupid crap jokes here. Next you'll be coming out with "Your momma" jokes...
Yeah you could, it wouldnt bother me a bit, like it doesnt bother you a bit. Not making poor assumptions of vanir or anything, but hes just signed up and who knows how he'll take it? Im sure it'll be fine, he seems a friendly happy sorta chappy, but that was bit harsh in my opnion D. He was just making a friendly joke.
I'll have you know Britain has been using that "word" for a long-long time. The Australians are a little slow on the uptake, so it's new to them.

(No joke)
Talking to the wrong person Nonskimmer. I started nothing, responded with no more than a laugh and pictures.
And shut the f**k up, then grow up. There's no place for stupid crap jokes here.
I considered a picture of "eat shit" to be a thoughtful response. It was a smart crap joke.

If I had any intentions of furthering or causing more argument from the whelp, I'd have posted something more along the lines of:

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