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First off, the first post of mine was a joke. You'll have a hard time here if you can't take nation bashing.

Secondly the wife joke, you made - which was remarkably lame - brought up my second post. Since any "Your momma" or "I had your wife" crap is stupid, then it was well founded.

And you're late on the last one, it's already been used on this forum before during a picture war between Davidicus and I.

I would advise you to read a few past posts to learn who you're dealing with.
Alright, alright, I can see that the humour has rapidly left this whole thing.
Vanir take a f*cking pill, and PD stop flying off at every damn response that someone makes to your "jokes"!

Everybody happy now?
First off, the first post of mine was a joke. You'll have a hard time here if you can't take nation bashing.

Secondly the wife joke, you made - which was remarkably lame - brought up my second post. Since any "Your momma" or "I had your wife" crap is stupid, then it was well founded.

And you're late on the last one, it's already been used on this forum before during a picture war between Davidicus and I.

I would advise you to read a few past posts to learn who you're dealing with.
Oh I think I'm getting quite enough of an impression of your personality right here. Why are you still talking to me, mate? If you had the slightest intention of meaning well or at least not trying to be offensive...

If you'd learn to just let things be in the first place you'd probably find that nobody had taken offence to you, thus negating the need you seem to feel in taking offence, in turn to them and so on ad nausium.

But now, your head offends me yes. I think you're a blatant jerk who sucks himself too much.
You seem to do the same thing to other posters I've noticed. A simple misunderstanding with them, the moment it's established you immediately talk down with capitalisations and patronisation. Dudes with language and cultural differences for chrissake.
You could say, oh never mind I don't really see it the way you do...but no, you start patronising and turn losing a bit of face into an all out bashing. You're a twerp mate, looking for fights.

I just pray your attitude is identical in life, it'll keep a little smile on my face knowing how that one's going to turn out for you.
"...you're a blatant jerk..."

I'll have you know, I'm an asshole and damn proud of it. But we can't be right first time everytime. :rolleyes: :lol:
Well...it's good to see that I'm being taken seriously around here. :rolleyes:

Now that you've got that off your chest vanir, can we please carry on here folks? Vanir and PD, I want you guys to kiss and make up now. Go on - kiss! :mad:


Seriously fellas, drop it here and now please.
Alright lets stop with the dumb picture crap okay. Lets be adults here.

(Notice I am not applying this to any one person it is a blanket statement, just incase for some people)

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