Planes of Fame Airshow 2019

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Feb 5, 2019
In just 36 days (May 4-5), the Planes of Fame Airshow begins! I've lived all over the world and seen many airshows and this one is my favorite due to its focus on warbirds. This year, the museum will celebrate the 75th Anniversary of D-Day and it is expected that at least five P-47s will be present along with a few P-38s, an FW-190, several P-51s and MANY other amazing aircraft. I've attached a few pictures that I took last year in hopes that it motivates anyone who is on the fence about coming. I guarantee it is worth a long drive!


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I'm thinking about going to this year's airshow .
so if there's someone who has been there, let me ask questions.

Is there any public transportation to get to Chino airport?
Is the museum open while airshow?
and How was the airshow? worth crossing the pacific ocean?

I am looking forward to your replies.
I'm thinking about going to this year's airshow .
so if there's someone who has been there, let me ask questions.

Is there any public transportation to get to Chino airport?
Is the museum open while airshow?
and How was the airshow? worth crossing the pacific ocean?

I am looking forward to your replies.
Good question about the public transport. There are plenty of hotels in the Chino area to stay at. You can always uber a ride to the main cross street at the airport and walk over. Its not to far a walk.

The museum is open but the aircraft that are scheduled to fly are on the flight line.

Worth crossing the Pacific? HECK YEAH!!!!!!
Good question about the public transport. There are plenty of hotels in the Chino area to stay at. You can always uber a ride to the main cross street at the airport and walk over. Its not to far a walk.

The museum is open but the aircraft that are scheduled to fly are on the flight line.

Worth crossing the Pacific? HECK YEAH!!!!!!
Thanks a lot !!

The best way is to stay near Chino and take a uber, it seems.

I want to visit Yanks Air Museum too.

anyway, I have to book a flight.

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