Please Help Me Determine the Value of This Aluminum Skin

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Jul 22, 2017
Hi everyone,

After owning this great piece of WW2 history for the past 37 years, I've decided to put it up for sale. Clearly, there is no precedent to go by to determine its' value. I hope you can help me with this.

This was the version with the folding wing tips for carrier duty.

This is from the left horizontal stabilizer, lower side. This is the main center panel that shows the stenciled serial number and the Mitsubishi identification. The panel is uncut. Has minor battle damage from bullets and shrapnel. Has original IJN gray/green paint with red primer showing in places. Has green aotake paint on the back. Very dirty, still shows plenty of jungle dirt on it. Paint/dirt show areas where stabilizer was placed on a pallet at one time.

The provenance can be traced here (plus I have additional information):
Pacific Wrecks

Please feel free to contact me.
Thank you for your help!

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I'll put it into a museum display. There are several museums out here that it could be displayed in.
As far as value goes. going for it: 1. It has documented history, 2. It came off a Zero, 3. its a large piece
going against it: missing data plate, No red meatball, condition
I'd say it worth about $1,000.00 It all depends on the buyer.
Please keep us informed as to what happens to it. what it sold for
Well, I put it on Craigslist, but I'm still not sure what to sell it for. I appreciate that daveT made a guess at 1000, but in all honesty, if the value is that low I probably won't sell it. I could try eBay I guess, but they are so expensive!

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