Poland Buys South Korean FA-50

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Poland has ordered 50 South Korean Aerospace Industries FA-50 light combat aircraft.

Now, doesn't that sound weird?

View attachment 679429
Well it's a nifty little jet and the South Koreans have been selling them. This could open the way for the Ukraine getting Polish MiG-29s but the delivery of these aircraft won't happen overnight, let alone setting up logistic support and training.
How not costly when there are no enemies for the Japanese in this region after the ww2 was over?
Were not the enemies you may claim in this region originally created by the US?
The US sadly created an enemy with North Vietnam, but is the US solely to blame for aggression by N. Korea or China?
The USSR in 1945 surely qualified as an enemy of Japan's. They did, after all, declare war on the remaining Axis power and initiate combat operations. The enmity with USSR lasted even as America and Japan pivoted to peaceful relations. I suspect American troops in Japan probably deterred further USSR ambitions regarding Japanese territory.

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