Prince William Arrives in Japan!

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Lieutenant Colonel
Feb 17, 2008
Though it's only 4 days visit, he is enthusiastically welcomed by Japanese people now.
His cute smile certainly reminds us of his mother, late Lady Diana, who fascinated people so much 29 years ago too.
Wishing the eternal glory and prosperity for him and his family,
From local news:

Britain's Prince William visits war cemetery, lunches with emperor

TOKYO (Kyodo) -- Britain's Prince William on Friday paid a visit to the Commonwealth War Cemetery in Yokohama, southwest of Tokyo, and attended a luncheon hosted by Emperor Akihito and Empress Michiko during his first Japan visit that started the previous day.

The Duke of Cambridge, 32, who will stay in Japan through Sunday, laid a wreath and offered a silent prayer at the cemetery dedicated to about 1,700 Commonwealth servicemen from such countries as Britain, Canada and Australia, including those who died in Japan as prisoners of war during World War II.

The prince signed his name in the visitors' register and went through an album containing pictures of his late mother Princess Diana, who visited the cemetery during her last visit to Japan in 1995.

Britain's Queen Elizabeth II, 88, and late former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher also paid their respects at the cemetery when they visited Japan.

Later in the day, the prince expressed his gratitude to the emperor and empress who welcomed him at the Imperial Palace. He said he was glad to have an audience with them.

The Japanese imperial couple met with the prince and his wife Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge, in May 2012 during their visit to Britain to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the queen's reign. The duchess is not accompanying Prince William this time as she is expecting the couple's second child.

Prince William is scheduled to visit areas of northeastern Japan hit hard by the March 2011 quake-tsunami disasters from Saturday.

February 27, 2015(Mainichi Japan)


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Actually, we didn't know Prince William was so friendly and humorous until we received him this time.
Even a dozen of diplomats would be no match for him. I think this is why we enjoy and make use of the Monarchy system.

On the last day of his visit, Prince William visited Tsunami-hit Miyagi Prefecture for victims memorial and communication with the residents. Kids say "We are happy to be thought and encouraged by him", "I want him to visit here again in the future when we completely recovered from the damage".
He returned to Tokyo to leave for China in this evening.

Thank you very much for checking my clumsy posts, everyone :)


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The toothy chipmunk grin doesn't help.

Are not Japan and England two of the last few countries that have Monarchs? That might be why they accept him so much because they understand how important it is to the populace.

There are a surprising number of monarchies is the world Norway Sweden Holland Denmark UK but also Saudi Arabia Brunei UAE.

Having been in Japan there is something that the UK and Japan have in common, it is very hard to explain but definitely true, maybe from being on an Island every where is over the sea so you dont have the sense of a "neighbour" as you do sharing a land border. We have similar legends too, the kamikaze which wrecked the Mongolian fleets match the storms that wrecked the "Invincible Armada" from Spain, though in different eras.

The connections between Japan and UK are very old, it is easy to forget that they were once very firm allies, much of the Japanese fleet that defeated the Russians was constructed in the UK.
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Actually, we didn't know Prince William was so friendly and humorous until we received him this time.
Even a dozen of diplomats would be no match for him. I think this is why we enjoy and make use of the Monarchy system.

On the last day of his visit, Prince William visited Tsunami-hit Miyagi Prefecture for victims memorial and communication with the residents. Kids say "We are happy to be thought and encouraged by him", "I want him to visit here again in the future when we completely recovered from the damage".
He returned to Tokyo to leave for China in this evening.

Thank you very much for checking my clumsy posts, everyone :)


Interesting stuff Shinpachi, William is OK I think, I hope that his Grandmother lives long enough to see his father into senility. Much as I admire our present Queen Elizabeth she has produced a brood of idiots. If ever you run short of princes and princesses we have plenty to let go "bought as seen" of course.
If ever you run short of princes and princesses we have plenty to let go "bought as seen" of course.

Thanks for your kind offer, pbehn. The offer sounds a good option :)
To be honest, I am afraid of the future of our imperial family as long as the system stands on the male line and first boy.

Forgot to state, the two girls of my last video lost their parents in tsunami and Prince William showed his great sympathy for them.
Their present for him was a tiny paper crane but he promised to hand it to his son, George. A nice gentleman.

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