if you guys would join the Atlantik Pirat forums you would find probably the best of the information on the planet covering the Schnellbooten, units, personell and the Boots plus bases, etc. we are a pretty tight bunch over there and known experience is pretty intensive and high. Truly there was nothing close to these Boots in speed and agility and yes overall size was such with larger engines and arms/crew.
Ill check the site out. thanks for the heads up.
I have a few books on S-Boote operations, and unquestionably in the channel and North Sea they held a defenite advantage. However, according to my books it wasnt so much speed that gave the E Boats their advantage. They used stealth to great effect....their diesels were relatively quiet as welll. Favoured tactics involved lying in ambush fully blacked out with engines off or at very low revolutions. No wake. Engagement was aimed at minimising wakes and noise, so no Mikaels navy stuf at all really.
Successful MTB tactics were as much the reason for their success as the design. Im not attempting to claim the S Boote was not a great was excellent in all its guises, but sometimes the quality of the tactics is overlooked, or not given sufficient credit.