Queen vs Led Zep

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I can't stand Queen, not only does the mere sight of Freddie make me cringe but I also think the music was average, and well over-played. Few, if any, decent bands that followed Queen found their influence with them and Brian May is over-rated.

Led Zep influenced hundreds of more bands than Queen, and was the music on an era. Plus the greatest rock singer in history, Cornell, initially styled himself on Plant.
I saw Queen Live many times in the late 70's early 80's and no one could beat them Live (not even LZ). Alway's put on a great Stage Show and all their albums had many different styles to them even the ones that even didn't sell too well (Hot Space Album is one I can think of)............alsos the great thing about Queen is that they often took the pissed out of themselves (I Want To Break Free Vid ).

Could never see the Led doing anything like that, but saying that as this seems a anti-LZ post (which it isn't), LZ was a great band 8)
I agree with u Matt... I saw Queen once and I never went and saw them again... Freddy was too much, all drag queened up and pracing around like he had a 2 foot dildo up his ass.... I really enjoyed their music up until I saw them in concert....

You just described half of the 80s hair metal bands!
Those were just very green bananas.

Only way to like Queen was to listen to them not watch them. Stomach starts churning watchin him strut in his early eighties poof-daddy outfits and haircuts. ugh!

Stick with headphones and "Death on Two Legs"
Queen was awesome (to here) in concert. But their album produced harmonies could never be duplicated live. Kinda like Boston. And Zep in concert was rather unspectacular and frankly, boorish. But both are in my top 20 list of most favorite bands.

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