Quotes and Jokes

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Reminds me of a news item from 1999:

"Internet Said to be Unfair to People Who Don't Have Computers"

Reading past the headline, what they really meant was that travel agents were asserting that people who did not have computers lost out on the better ticket deals on-line. I guess they were trying to assert that the only way to level the playing field was to halt all on-line ticket sales, for obvious reasons.
That brings back one of my favorite memories as a Child. My Mother who being an long haul truck driver during WWII, and a part time local driver after she retired always considered herself a very good and observant driver. But for some reason during the late 1950's thru the early 1970's managed to hit and total 5 VW Beatles! The only accedents she claims to have ever been at fault at.
So after the 5th beetle kill, my father a 30+ year Naval Aviator had the squadron painter paint 5 German crosses on the drivers door of her Brand new 1972 Caprice Sedan. Claiming she deserved it now that she was an "Ace". I believe it was one of the 1st items that caused the divorce a few years later. To say my mother was not amused would have been putting in mildly. I have never seen my mother so angry before or after she 1st saw the Kill markings on her 1 week old car. I wish I still had a picture of them. But they were lost in the house fire a couple of years later.

Thanks for posting it!
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Well it didnt do to good on the car now did it?


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