Quotes and Jokes (2 Viewers)

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Lavrov calls Gerasimov and says: "Listen, Gerasimov, don't hit New York, my daughter lives there."

Gerasimov, indignantly: "Damn! Peskov asked me not to hit London and Paris, Medvedev asked me not to hit Berlin, Mizulina asked me not to hit Belgium... everyone has been calling so the list is getting very long. Where do you suggest we hit then if something goes wrong?"

Lavron: "Mmm... well... hit Russian Sudzha. We can be certain there are definitely none of our people there."
During the Vietnam War a C-123 flare ship crew flying night missions over the Ho Chi Minh Trail noted the NVA was using a helicopter at night, with lights, to assist in their activities. The NVA knew the C-123 could not hurt them and they could shut things down with plenty of time if armed aircraft showed up.

So the 123 crew loaded up with tie down chains and succeeded in dropping one on the chopper, evidenced by the chopper's lights going out when they dropped the chains atop it.

Elated, the crew returned to home base and claimed an air to air kill.

Then they found out that the standardized form for recording such kills did not have the C-123 listed as an option. So the admin types credited the kill to an A-1.

Yep, that's my Air Force!

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