RAAF Amberley Heritage Centre

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Apr 11, 2005
South East Queensland
Checked out the aviation heritage centre at RAAF base Amberley today, and boy what a fantastic little museum! The museum is situated on an active RAAF so its only open one Sunday every month, entry is via shuttle buses which also give a small tour of the base pointing out some of the historical buildings and facilities. If any one gets the chance I highly recommend a visit. Admission is FREE!
First up is a CAC Sabre which had a dogfight with high tension wires!


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There were also a number of visiting aircraft on hand which was a nice surprise, including this SAAF T-6.


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This great looking T-28 was also another visitor (one of four Trojan's in attendance).


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The museum's Huey.


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Great pics Andy.
Jim, the SAAF retired their T-6's some years ago, but they were still in use in the mid 1980's as far as I recall. Presumably that one (actually a Harvard) is privately owned.
Thanks guys. Up next is the absolutely awesome A-20


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Canberra bomber as used by the RAAF in Vietnam.


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Oh my Andy, what a corker of a day out that would have been, It's a pity this country is so big, it's a long drive up to Bris, last time I did it, 14 hours non-stop. Great pics old chap, look forward to more.
Thanks for looking in guys, next is a Caribou.


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One of two F-111's at the museum. RAAF Amberley was the home of the F-111 when in service. Pics aren't great but it was hard to shoot such a large aircraft in the confined space of the hanger.


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