RAAF Hudson question

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Feb 6, 2007
Melbourne, Victoria
Found this photo on the RAAF website..
Thing that is interesting me is the turrets or lack of on these No.1 Squadron Hudson's. Were the turrets fitted after delivery?



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Basically the RAAF wanted the Vickers Mk V. machine guns installed in the rear turret as they were already in production in Australia. By going with the Boulten Paul turret (with browning MG's), it would mean the introduction of another turret type and gun type into Australian service which was seen as undesirable by the Air Ministry.
In the end the Boulten Paul turret was fitted because other alternatives looked into were deemed unsuitable.

These are 13 Sqn RAAF Hudsons circa late 1940
Squadron Code was "N", who would be based at Darwin NT.

As at the 8th December 1941, No 13 Squadron had a Detachment of 6 Hudsons; A16-66/67/68/69/84/96) at Laha which arrived on the 07/12/41 (All coded N)
The balance of the immediate Strength, 10 Hudsons; A16-29/ 33/ 61/63/ 64/71/72/88/ 95/98 were at Darwin.

Later there were reinforcements in January 1942 (A16-59/123/ 125)

Not all carried the Rear Turret even then., but that's another story

While at the RAF Museum last weekend, stumbled across this beauty...complete with turrets on display.

I'm assuming that these are the two types of turrets fitted....I say assuming cos I never actually got around to reading much, if any, of the information boards !.

Must try harder next time


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Nice pic Gary. They really HAVE changed things around since I was last at the RAF Museum - looks like rochie and I will have to meet up with you for another visit!
I seem to recall something about RAAF Hudsons also having the Martin turret fitted, not sure as a standard, temporary or what. If that is correct, then it looks like some of those aircraft in the formation may be fitted with Martin turrets.

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