RAAF in the Philippines?

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Jan 25, 2010
Manila, Philippines

i've been researching the involvement of the RAAF in Allied operations in the Philippines.

through the internet, especially this forum, i've been able to get information regarding RAAF a/c that operated over here.

the ff are what i've come up with.

1) Beaufighters and Kittyhawks (Liberators?) operating from Sanga-Sanga in 1945 in support of the Borneo Landings
2) the famous loooooong range Black Cat mine laying operation in Manila Harbour in Dec of 1944
3) a PR mosquito that landed in Leyte with severe damage due to inclement weather (a hail storm of all things!!!, odd for a tropical country, huh?)
4) FB.VI Mossies and Spitfires that were invited by the Allied Technical Air Intelligence Unit to fly against captured IJN/IJA a/c at Clark AFB, 1945

I must ask though if i've missed anything. :) any new leads would be greatly appreciated.

and oh... happy holidays! :D
Hi Scandyflick, I can add the following -
22 Nov 44 - 22 squadron A-20's attack targets at Bunuwan Harbour, Mindanao. 30 squadron Beaufighters destroy barges in Davao Gulf
9 Dec 44 - 30 and 31 squadron Beaufighters attack targets on Jolo Island and unsuccesfully hunt for a Radar station on Mindanao
18 Jul 44 and 11 Aug 44 - 4 Sep 44 - No 1PRU Mosquitoes fly photo reconnaissance missions over Davao and the central Philippines by request of the 5th USAAF
14 Dec 44 - 24 "Black Cats" mine Manila Bay staging through Leyte
Mar 45 - Jun 45 "Black Cats" operate from Jinamoc to mine targets at Formosa, China, Hainan, Hong Kong and the Pescadores
Jun 45 - 24 squadron B-24's form a detachment on Palawan flying army co-op missions
RAAF P-40's and Beaufighters also operated from Tawi Tawi and Zamboanga on a limited basis.

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