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Not too proud of our flag though?

You from another thread...

'Nearly' twenty million Australians were barracking for the Soccerroos that fateful night. The first time for a chance at the cup since 1974. But then as an Aussie you would've already known this.

Shoving an Italian flag in the faces of Soccerroo supporters after they had been ousted under dubious circumstances to a bunch of, what the media called "divers", and you wonder why you didn't receive a 'congratulatory' response?

Then you're a "Farken" idiot.

And you need to watch this, again and again and again…

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wcCw9RHI5mc

No i dont like the Aus flag, But i respect it.
A lot of first and second gen Aussies support the country of their heritage at the world cup.
Its their right, as its hard to give up a team you have supported all your life.

I dont shove anything in anyones face, and many people have congratulated me, especially Asians and Indians.

So the Aussie media beats up a story and its gospel?
Neill made himself a road block in the penalty box, bad luck.
Better luck next time.

As for that video, no blacks in the Italian side.
Kewell dives.

Ill put up a kickboxing or wrestling video and say its the Aussie team training.
racism will soon be a moot point when the scientists convince everyone that we're all African descent, it won't matter.

But MLK is rolling in his grave for the minority activist here in the States. Its supposed to be equality, not my race is better.

Affrimative Action should go.
Black Miss America, BET, NAACP, United Negro College Fund and others should be banned for the sake of equality and harmony.

I find its the culture and not the race. Hip-hop and gang-banging and flashy "grills" and "hoes" permeate that culture just like trailer trash and serial killers are among my culture. Its got to stop.
Aussie who is proud of his Euro roots.
Thats nice but are you an Aussie if your an Aussie it would only behoove you to be Pro Aussie if your an Aussie cheering for another nation I would suggest you move back from whence you came.
You see I don't agree with the above post. Australia is everything thrown in a blender as far as nationalities go.

The term Australian has a very lose meaning.

However if people come and live here and mock the country then yes I have a problem.

Someone define an Australian for me. I will be amazed as I believe it cant be done.
A Homo Sapien who is born or has right of citizenship in the continent known as Australia, one of seven continents on the third rock from the sun.

Its a constant thing here the Greek national Basketball team plays Canada in Toronto and the Greek exPats cheer Greece, Canada plays El Slavador in soccer Toronto and the ex pats cheer El Salvador . My thought being either your Canadian or your not and if your not go home
You cant expect people to give up their heritage.
Especially ones that go back over 2000 years.

As long as they are law abiding citizens, doesnt really matter.
What??? National Pride matters a fu*kload....

If u are born and raised in a specific country by native parents, be it England, America, Austrailia or Germany, and there is an International Competition of sorts, ie the Olympics, u should definatly be rooting for ur "Home" Team....

If ur an Italian kid born in Austrailia by Italian parents who came from the Boot, then rooting for Italy verses the Aussies is an OK thing, but u should be prepared for the ridicule, and in certain circles, the massive beating u'll recieve...

Imagine me sittin there in the stands, Lake Placid 1980, with a Soviet or Finnish jersey on.... Talk about harrassment...
Why in the hell would you WANT to cheer for another national team??? Would you want another nation to defeat yours in a war also??? WTF??? Wait - that would make you an excellent career democrat in the USA...
Its football for chrissakes, cant give up the emotions youve had your whole life.

No need to start with the right wing spiel.
No need for left wing spiel either....You don't go to a Philadelphia Eagles game wearin Dallas Cowboys crap. You're just asking for it. And if you have an attitude that its your right, well, you have no clue about reality.
your family moved for some reason and it was probably to get a better life , if the other place is better why aren't you there, did you cheer for Italy in Rugby or do you only cherry pick the better teams
Dont like Rugby myself.

The way you speak its as if we MUST assimilate or else.
im proud of my heritage, as you prob are of your's.
Thats nice but are you an Aussie if your an Aussie it would only behoove you to be Pro Aussie if your an Aussie cheering for another nation I would suggest you move back from whence you came.

I disagree with that. I am an American and proud as hell of the United States but I suport the German National Team when it comes to Football and I wave a German flag at Football games where the German team is playing.

When I was a kid growing up in Germany I did not even know that the USA had a Football team because they sucked so bad so naturally I did not root for them.

Just because the US team has gotten better does not mean I am going to stop rooting for the German team. When the US team plays I root for them and when the German team plays I root for them. Whenever the German team plays the US Team I root for the German team but I allways stand up and sing the Star Spangled Banner before the game along with the US team. If the US team were to beat Germany I would not be dissapointed because I am American.

At the World Cup here in Germany (which by the way was amazing!) I rooted for the German team.

I guess I might be in a different boat though because I was born a Dual Citizen of both the United States and Germany so I am allowed to root for both teams! :lol:
Dont like Rugby myself.

The way you speak its as if we MUST assimilate or else.
im proud of my heritage, as you prob are of your's.
I live in town thats about 33% Italian and it's a joke with Forza Azzura but I guess if you can't win anything else soccer might as well make you feel good
I live in town thats about 33% Italian and it's a joke with Forza Azzura but I guess if you can't win anything else soccer might as well make you feel good

Bit of a cheap shot mate.
Italy has winners in quite a few sports.

Did you buy Jacues Vileneuve CD?
Hes a great Canadian isnt he?

After all the times Italy was ripped off and had bad luck in major tournaments, be happy for your Italo/Canucks.

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