RAF Mark 1 Short Stirling

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Richard Miller

Nov 2, 2008
Hi Forum members

I am seeking photos of this aircraft. My father Sgt. Stanley George Goodey was an air gunner during WW2 and flew with 419, 115 and 214 Squadrons, including about 11 operations many over Germany and in multiple plane formation.

I am aware of the 214 Squadron Website.

Any help would be gratefully appreciated


Armourers wait for the conclusion of an engine test on Short Stirling Mark I, 'OJ-N', of No. 149 Squadron RAF, parked at the end of the south-east runway at Mildenhall, Suffolk, before loading her with 250-lb GP bombs for a night raid on Essen, Germany. Each bomb has been fitted with a shackle to enable it to be winched into position in the Stirling's high bomb-bay.

Short Stirlings of No. 1651 HCU (Heavy Conversion Unit) in flight, 1942. W7427 'B' is in the middle of the formation.
Good stuff, if a bit late. Note that, in the first picture, the objects on top of the bombs are bomb carriers, not shackles, a type of beam which attached to the shackles on the bombs, and then, in turn, attached to the shackles in the bomb bay; these remained on the aircraft when the bombs were released.
Short Stirlings of No 90 Squadron, RAF, lined up on the perimeter track at Wratting Common, Cambridgeshire. The crew are awaiting take off time. This was only one of two times that Stirlings were sent to bomb Berlin as they proved too vulnerable to the defences. 31 May 1943.

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