RAF Markings and Camouflage

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Why did Vulcan's have terrestrial style camouflage on the unde surface?
It seems odd.....
Why did Vulcan's have terrestrial style camouflage on the unde surface?
It seems odd.....

I would assume that it would be due to their later role in the low leve,l terrain folowing usage, where the undersides would be visible against the background of hills etc when in banking turns. A big white triangle would be visible for miles against a wooded hillside.

Frome experience the RNZAF's A-4 Skyhawks in their (later) wrap around camouflage were very hard to spot against a hillside, you could barely tell whheather they were turning away or towards you. Very effective.

Could someone help me with the markings for the Sea Fury, I am a Radio Control Model Builder and I am helping one of my friends with the vinyl roundels for his model and I can't get information about the size and dimensions.
Hello friends
I'm a new one in the Forum and I need your help for the following matters (hoping that I'm on the rigth thread:oops:)

1- About the RAF Desert Camo. I know it was introducen on 1941 but thiw hapenned before or after the Summer of 1941?
2- The WWII RAF Insignia Blue was the FS35044 and the Insignia Red was the FS30109?
3- The above colors were in lighter tones at the period of WWI, or the RNAS and RFC used different colors?

many thanx
Greetings, gents:

Would anyone know the proper color for the bomb ordnance that Hurricane Mk IIb "Hurribombers" carried in late 1941, early 1942? A knowlegeable model builder told me that early war British bombs were painted buff, and mid-war bombs were painted bronze green? Which color is correct for late 1941, early '42?

Thanks for your help.
Could be either at that period, depending on the ordnance type and stocks available. If you have a reference photo and it looks dark, it'll be the Dark Green, but worn and dirty where it's been rolled around a lot. The 'buff' colour was more a sort of pale yellow, and it's not uncommon to see these casings with later, green fins, or dull grey, and vice versa.
I accidentally came across to this painting (actually it's a box art for AZ Model Spitfire kit) and was intrigued with yellow painted aircraft nose. Is this historically accurate at all? If yes, must admit I haven't seen it before.


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Hmm. The serial number shows it as the first of only 50 in this serial block built as MkIs. It went to 57 OTU (Operational Training Unit) on 18 July 1941, and then to 27 OTU on September 27 the same year. It was struck off charge following a mid-air collision with X4605, on 16 March 1942.
The code letters shown certainly aren't those of a Fighter Command squadron, and I don't have a listing of all OTU codes, but presume they are from one of the OTU's on which the aircraft served. The shade of the colouring on the nose seems familiar from a B&W photo I've seen somewhere, but whether it was that dull yellow colour, I don't know. The colour might be panels and spinner in primer, or could be a colour used, by an instructor, for formation purposes during training. It seems an unusual choice for a kit markings though. I at first thought the colour might be associated with the Dieppe raid but, apart from the dates not matching, I doubt that yellow would have been used, as it could easily be confused with the yellow ID paint of Luftwaffe aircraft, and all references I've seen for this operation are for white, or white/black panels, stripes or checks on forward areas of fighters.
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Could it be RAF Trainer Yellow? Maybe the undersides being grey is a mistake? Just guessing I'm afraid.
It could be Trainer Yellow, but the remainder of the colours are more or less correct, being normal day fighter scheme. I think one of the OTU's was not that far from where I live, either at Cranage in Cheshire, or Hawarden, near Chester. The collision took place near Chester, and this rings bells. I'll keep looking, as I do think the nose shade is familiar to me from somewhere. Must admit though, I can't recollect seeing a yellow nose before !
LV are 57 OTU codes. Such colour schemes were used by OTUs; it was probably used in the role of an enemy fighter. I think Illiad (spelling?) Design have an OTU Spitfire on one of their sheets with a red, white and blue nose.
Thanks Antoni, I was starting to think along similar lines. I must try to find the photo I have in mind.
Hi all,
I'm new to the site..was wondering can anybody point me in the direction to obtain pics or info on the colouring and markings of RAF P40 MK1A before desert cam was added?..I would dare say prior or on delivery to the Sqdns...Particulary interested in RAF 112 Sqdn machines....cheers Mossie
I am new to this forum so if I post anything that seems out of order please excuse me and let me know.

It may have been discussed already in this thread, but I did not see it. Can someone tell me what an appropriate font would be for the "maintenance" stenciling on a Spitfire Mk XIVc? Also, it is my understanding that this lettering was 2" tall on full scale. Is that correct?

I am working on a 1/5 scale Spit and working with a company for dry transfers for these items.

I accidentally came across to this painting (actually it's a box art for AZ Model Spitfire kit) and was intrigued with yellow painted aircraft nose. Is this historically accurate at all? If yes, must admit I haven't seen it before.

Six moths late. As usual could not find it at the time, turns up looking for something else.

Flt Lt Hruby (Czech) in fron of garishly painted Spitfire Mk V of 57 OTU.


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It astounds me how much information comes out of this forum, and the willingness to share, big thanks.

I am looking for something definitive about the finishing, markings and stenciling of the Defiant. Anything out there?
I'm not sure how many I can get onto my 1/72nd 264 Sqdn BoB GB plane, but I will try and get stuck on what I can.

Cheers, Bill

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