RAF museum Cosford airshow 2013 pics

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Thanks very much Andy. There are many more of the 'Reds', but I just selected a few. I should have been in a better location, as the low-level stuff was hidden by tents and trucks - and a bl**dy big control tower!
Evan, yes, it was PS853 with the Lightning. It was the 'spare' PR19 with BBMF, and sat in the hangar without an engine for some years, before being re-furbed and sold to fund other aircraft for the 'Flight. Got some pics of her partly stripped down in the stuff I took with the BBMF back in '82 and '83.
Heck, you look really p*ssed off, Red Two!
Evan, those pics are on transparencies, and I was going to send them to you ages ago, for your PR19 build, but couldn't find them! I've now found them (although they're hiding 'somewhere safe' at the moment!), so I'll scan them and e-mail them (when I re-find them!) once you know where you're going to be living.
More air show pics to follow later tonight.
Another selection, commencing with Prince Harry threatening the V.I.P. / aircrew enclosure with his chopper - if you'll pardon the expression!
4 -6 No idea if the car is a replica or an actual vintage machine, but the aircraft nose section is from a Shackleton MR1, followed by a view down the hot end of one of the Jaguar's engines.
7 - 9 A Chinook showed it can be silly.
10 - 12 Can't remember what these little babies were called, but they were rather neat, and gave a good display.
13. One of the Squirrel training helicopters which brought in the Red Arrows crews from Shawbury, where they'd landed.
14 - 16. These are the RV8tors, flying - RV8s!


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Some beautiful pics there Airframes, Rochie April, at least the Birmingham 'Bowl' gave you good weather outside its 'swirl zone' - lets hope it lasts for us 'ere - so far a week of mid to high 20's (Celcius).
Thanks very much chaps, glad you've enjoyed them.
Here's the final batch from me, and again, these were snatched, from some distance, during my return journey on the 'Dalek' - and unknown to me, I'd accidentally caught that darned thumb wheel, and increased ASA/ISO to 400 - not a great help when shooting against a white cloud background!
Fortunately, I was able to improve things slightly with the photo-editor programme.
First three are the PRU Spitfire XI, followed by a Tucano from 72 (R) Squadron wearing WW2 desert colours, and, of course, 'Sally B', our own B-17G.
Thanks for all the compliments and comments, and hopefully I'll posy some better stuff once more familiar with this camera.


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Great ones Terry!

Is that scheme on the PR XI accurate, full roundels in 6 positions? Don't think I've ever seen that before.

Would have been much easier getting through the crowds if your buggy really had been a Dalek - 'Exterminate! Exterminate!'
I think its a mix of styles on that Photo-fire, those yellow over wing roundels are definately a composite of years I think... wasn't the yellow outilines abbandoned pre mid '41 upon the wings... except when the camo colours 'contrast' too close to the roundel colours to distinguish, let alone the wight of the paint and to weither or not its applied ontop of the camo too - more wieght and possible airflow/speed disturbance?

sure i've seen something about a PR Spitfire with roundels like that so it might be correct Evan
Thanks chaps, glad you like the few pics.
At a guess, I'd say the roundels on the PR Spit are post January 1945. when 'C1' Type were introduced on upper surfaces of all day-operating aircraft, with over-size yellow outer ring on low-contrast backgrounds, such as PR types, where the yellow was also included on the under-surfaces. As the aircraft is carrying a specific individual code letter, in the correct colour, size and proportion, I presume the markings are based on an actual example, possibly/probably this very aircraft, as it did serve with PRU, and at one time was actually at Cosford, I believe as an instructional air frame, post war.
I'd have to check the details of the restoration and history to be certain though.
The Spitty is PR.XI PL965, which used to be the 'Pink Spit' based at Breighton in Yorkshire, with the Real Aeroplane Company. I'm not sure about the markings; as far as I'm aware they are aunthentic, although non-standard. I do like the Desert scheme on the Tucano. They did a Battle of Britain era markings on one, if I can remember, in 19 Sqn markings.

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