RAF museum Cosford airshow 2013 pics

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Superb shots Terry and Karl. Shame about the choas on the way in. Still, glad it didn't get in the way of a good day out (amongst the day trippers).

nuuumannn: I can just imagine what those Argie guys around Stanley must have thought when they saw that silhouette roaring over the field!

I think only one bomb hit the runway on the first run (out of twenty one dropped) when the big bird swept over but the surprise was certainly there and the point was made to the astonished Argentinians that they could be reached with heavy hitters. Despite the low hit rate the runway was, nevertheless, made unusable to the Argie jet fighters even if their supplier C130's could still land and four more 'Black Buck' raids took place against the Port Stanley airfield producing similar results. During the outward bound journey the Vulcan (one of two - the first of which had to turn back after the pilot noticed the cabin wasn't pressurising properly which they found out later was due to a perished window seal) was refuelled seven times and once on its return, now rid of its 1,0000lb bombs and the round trip was around 9000 miles. Some feat.

To experience it flying close up must be quite something.
good stuff Dogsbody.

saw the Jet Provest arrive, the Sea king in it's staging area and the Falcons caravan and heard the Typhoon from the M54 traffic jam !

here's a shot of the local plod's helo monitoring the traffic taken by my Daughter.

Good shot from April there - was that taken from the car?!
Karl will probably agree that, not being able to get anywhere near the display crowd line, it wasn't possible to hear most of the commentary, so very often an 'act' would arrive unannounced to us, suddenly sweeping down the display axis before we knew it was coming! The shot of the Hercules shown earlier, is a typical example, and also the Typhoon II, which suddenly announced itself, with a great blast of sound!
That one was at around 11.00 hrs - when we'd just got in, and were sure the display didn't start until 12.30 hrs!
I was also slightly dis-chuffed at having to get the hired 'Dalek' back by 17.00 hrs - especially after having to pay a 'donation' of £25, in advance of the show, to reserve it. When we eventually established a reasonable shooting location, at the runway western threshold, this was over a mile from where we'd parked, next to the truck where the hired electric scooter had to be returned to. Consequently, some of the 'acts' were performing as I made the slow return journey, meaning I was even further back from the display axis, with tents and trucks obscuring the view, and it also meant I had no time to look around the other static displays, or the trade stalls. The real p*ss*r was that the truck didn't finish packing up until 18.45, and was still there when we started to leave at 19.45!
Anyway, there's still more to come, and the next post will have a small(ish!) selection of the display by the 'Scampton Darts Team' - aka 'The Red Arrows', the RAF Aerobatic Display Team, once I've finished sorting a sequence from the many shots taken.
Great shots guys! Especially love the Vulcan, Harrier and JP...

And a very big public THANKYOU to Mr. Airframes from me... I asked him for "some" detail shots of the Lincoln, and bugger me if he didn't take 51 of them!!! Many thanks again mate! :D :D :D
Heck, was it that many?!! No problem mate, you're more than welcome. And I managed to get out of the hangar just in time for the Rs end of the BBMF display!
Thanks again Hugh, and nice work by April, Karl - looks like that's a nifty new camera she has there!
OK, and on with 'The Reds'.
These few sequences were all taken from probably the worst possible location - half a mile away, and right behind the control tower - so some of the low-level stuff had a bl**dy great building in the way, resulting in me missing the cross-over by the 'Synchro Pair' !
More varied stuff to follow tomorrow.


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Thanks Evan and Wayne. I've almost sorted the next batch, but I'll post them some time tomorrow - got to go to the pub tonight (haven't been for a while - should be interesting!).
Great pics April - I like that one of the Lynx taking off, with all the grass blowing around it.
I just managed to catch part of the display by the Battle of Britain Memorial Flight, as I came out of the main entrance to the Museum. The camera was still on the setting used previously, so too high a shutter speed, thus 'freezing' the props. The formation shots were taken from around half a mile away, snatched as the Lanc, Spit and Hurricane flew past, as were those of the Hurricane and Spitfire PR19, with the 'receding' shot of the Spit, and the Spit and Hurricane together, just caught as they overflew the museum whilst circling during the Lanc's display.
And Evan, this is the PR19 your uncle worked on at its last operational flight.


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Lovely shots Terry!

Re the Spit 19: same markings but not the same bird actually. The original 'The Last!' was PS888 of 81 (PR) Sqn, which later went to the Royal Thai Air Force as an instructional airframe (along with PS836, PS890, and PM630). No idea if anything remains of any of them...

Not sure which squadron the BBMF's PS915 served with, only that she was removed from PR work to serve in the Temperature and Humidity Flight (THUM) from June 1954, and was retired in 1957.
Oops! You're right Evan! She's marked as 'The Last', in dedication to PS888, but she (PS915) was the last to do THUM flights from Woodvale, and, without checking, I think it was either this one, or the other PR19 the BBMF used to have, now sold, which did the trials against the Lightning, in case of conflict with a country I can't remember, possibly Indonesia.
I didn't know PS915 was the last at Woodvale (always learn something from you!) , but the Lightning trial bird was PS853 - and yep, preparation for the Indonesian conflict, as they were using Mustangs (IIRC).
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