Ralph Haus

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Private Chemtrail Disperser
Nov 8, 2004
I am waiting for confirmation but I am fairly certain.

Ralph's lifelong interests suggest that he was a true modern-day renaissance man. He enjoyed many hobbies including: gardening, woodworking, masonry, fishing, camping, travel, bowling, slow-smoking BBQ, cooking, baking, brewing craft-beer, photography, chess and building model airplanes. He stayed entertained and informed studying varied topics such as: politics, history, finance, birds, computers, design, sci-fi, yellow 1971 Chevy Impalas, hot peppers, whiskey and preferred to read about local and world events while holding an actual newspaper. Over the years, you would often find him watching the sun rise and then set again from his porch along with a host of various dogs and a cat named Willie Dillo.
Oef. Thanks for finding that, Chris. It's sad to lose another one of our family. Rip Ralph.
I'm quite sad I never got to the Bf 109 unofficial build. I have the model here in my office. We talked about doing a build together and one thing just got in the way after another.
And yes, unfortunately, I have received confirmation from Ralphs granddaughter.

"Hi there. Yes, Ralph Haus is my grandfather.
His heart surgery went well, however, unfortunately the recovery was just too much for his body to handle and he never woke up after the surgery. He passed on October 16th.

Thank you for checking in on him. It means a lot to me and it will to my grandmother as well. He loved his model aircraft's and I'm sure he very much appreciated the community and the people who were a part of it. I'm not sure if you ever saw his office, but the amount of models he had in there at the end was flabbergasting to see. His ashes are now set upon his "crafting" table. I'll attach his obituary. It mentions his model airplanes "

Ralph you will be missed.


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