Recent Purchases (1 Viewer)

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Just arrived, some bits and pieces for further P-47 builds, including wheels, seat, generic stencils, and two "Yahu" instrument panels.

Buys 573.JPG
Buys 574.JPG
Buys 575.JPG
Went to the LHS to get me some Nato Black and while the rack was chock full of every other colour, no Nato Black. They finally stock these now so I got one of each


Never used them before so it will be a work in progress with them. I notice there is no brush attached to the top as there is with the liquid glue
fubar57 fubar57 Geo, don't make the mistake I first made in assuming the grey stuff is water based. It needs a lacquer thinner and works best with Taniya's thinner with the yellow screw top. No idea about the white stuff.

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