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No clue, never ment him I guess.
Just remembered.... Jon Baker. If he's still alive, he'd probably be 60+ now. Hell, I think he lived in Katy! Speaking of which, is Boyd Waechter still around? Sorry to be "quizzing" you with old names from my past time down there but I'm just curious!
NP, I just never got in the modeling circles when I moved out here. Went two maybe two IPMS Houston meeting but the freaking drive was a killer. I hate city driving and would rather go to Austin or San Antonio than drive across Houston!!
Nice selection of handy tools and as for the kit the AeroScale review comes out quite good though it is a kit you have to work on.
Well, not exackly a Purchase, but sometimes something just "falls into your lap".
Some people and their kids. A dad thought it would be good for his teenager to have a "hobby".
Went out and bought this for his kid........ needless to say the brat laughed, bad for him,
good fortune for me. Now I have loads of spares and Don't have to scratch build the raydome!!!
EBay batch won arrived. The usual Japanese and aircraft going to be Regia Aeronautica. The Bucker Bu-131 Jungmann is actually a Kokusai Ki-86 Cypress in 1/48 scale. I have the 1/32 kit, but I wanted one in 1/48, even if it is old as me.


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NP, I just never got in the modeling circles when I moved out here. Went two maybe two IPMS Houston meeting but the freaking drive was a killer. I hate city driving and would rather go to Austin or San Antonio than drive across Houston!!
Haha! AMEN to that! 20 yrs ago, driving in/around/through Houston was asinine. I can't imagine what it's like now. I'm a professional musician and every once in a while I'd have a gig up Woodlands way and depending on when I'd need to leave, that drive would take me either 30 min or an hour and a half. Screw that shit. I do NOT miss that at all.
I drove tractor trailer around Houston for a couple years, dedicated deliveries to Dollar Tree stores. Yeah, we both (Swift) figured out that was not my life's profession !

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