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I have plenty of choices in the stash for the Spitfire build, but just in case.....


Never seen this 1/48 high back XIV before. Is it any good?
Never seen this 1/48 high back XIV before. Is it any good?
Pretty basic, and the panel lines look a bit large but it looks like it could be built into a nice finished product although I might try to find a vacu-formed canopy, the kit one is quite thick.


Academy has a high-back Mk XIV that I also have in my stash, but I've heard it has some shape issues.

Thanks T Bolt T Bolt that's good to know. I'm not that fussed about building a XIV highback in and of itself, but something I do want to build one day Is NN660, the first Spiteful prototype which was a hybrid of a Spiteful wing (which I do have, in the Trumpeter kit) and a highback Spit XIV fuselage (which I don't). I'd heard the Academy kit is a bit bulbous in certain areas too.


Source: Supermarine Spiteful and Seafang Fighters
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