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I see you got some of those wheel well masks. Interested to see how well they work
I didn't know those wheel well masks were a item that could be bought? Got to wondering? If, before gluing the wing sections together, if laying the opening, external, onto a piece of the foam that is common to stuff into areas, sprits a bit of spray paint and create a cutout pattern? Might not work with all models but just maybe? Next build I will give it a try.
Awesome Jan. I have that Aeromaster set in 1:72.

Re the wheel well masks, I don't know how common they are to buy, but they are included in this kit, and (IIRC) in their 1:72 MiG-15 combo set I was looking at a while back.
Geo, I'm hoping they work 'wheel well"...
(though I am suss on them damaging small items in the wells - might pay to attach uplocks and landing light after painting?)

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