Recent Purchases (4 Viewers)

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While I'm not a devoted bi-plane builder (I've done one), I saw this while placing a paint order (NOTE**Paint orders REQUIRE at least one model kit in the shipping package to keep those plastic paint containers from breaking!), and just had to have it. Looks like a cross-over / hybrid, an interesting addition. However, now looking at the paint instructions (should have done this before placing order) and see that I may have to add some colors to my ever expanding stash. Hmmmm? Wonder what kit will protect those???

I've always liked this plane too and so had to build one as well. I did the Series III version ad the green colour was a bit of a shot in the dark for me as Eduard only calls out Gunze colours so I threw something together with my Tamiyas.


The Czech Avia B.534 had a quite simple camo. The Light Khaki on tops and sides and the Silver ( aluminium ) on undersides. The same silver in the cockpit.

1. the Khaki - Tamiya XF61 ... FS 34082 also it can be the Vallejo Model Air 71.017 Russian Green / FS 34082.
2. the Silver - Tamiya XF16 ... FS 27178
Small win on ePay - actually was not serious about buying this one and won anyway. The "Approx. 1/48 scale" made me chuckle. Raised panel lines and rivets will make this one a challenge - not to mention really brittle plastic and copious amounts of flash...
20240618_New Stuff.jpeg

Another addition to the Yellow Wings collection none-the-less.

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