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Brilliant news on the job Evan! I'm glad you've found something decent at last mate. Also look forward to seeing the F27 done.
Glenn, the problem with women is, they're more technologically advanced than even NASA, with every radra, Infra-Red, acoustic, and thermal detection system fitted as standard, far better than anything yet known to Mankind. They can detect hidden hauls, without looking, from over a hundred metre range - and they know when you've been to the pub when you say you've been out looking for paint or something!!!
Cheers guys! Don't want to leave Pécs, but work is so unstable here...

Glenn, I wouldn't recommend trying to pull off what I did - I reckon the only reason I still have my b@lls is due to the success of the interview...
I'm really pleased for you Evan, especially as my efforts over here for you have hit a blank so far. As for the haul, everyone celebrates when they get a new job, normally by going to the pub. Of course, there's absolutely nothing wrong with that, but all you get afterwards is a depleted wallet. At least you've got a lot of nice stuff to show for it! Good on yer mate!!
Just ordered one of these...

Wingnut Wings - 1/32 Sopwith Pup RNAS

Something quite different and not in keeping with the forum theme, but still. I am still to finish off my P-39 that I received for my birthday (thanks again, son!) which was in January, but I couldn't resist.

If I keep going like this then maybe I'll be able to post in the 'Post you stash' hall of pride/shame...

Edit: Yep, it is going to happen... I just added one of these to my order...


Where is the 'Post your Stash' thread...
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Great scores guys! ...and Wedge, those kits look bloody beautiful!

Thanks again for the comments too guys - be good to catch up for that drink some time, eh?

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