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Talking about mixing paints....HOW do you mix the right amount, what do you use?

i've thought about using a syringe that you can get to squirt medicine into small kids mouths, they dont have a needle on the end and some medicines have a similar consistancy to paint and they have a scale printed on them
what do you rekon ?
Thanks for the info Wojtek! 8)

You are welcome Jan.

Concerning the Korean war and the Corsair colour.Spit5 is right.The colour was ANA 623 Glossy (Sea) Blue FS15042.
Rochie for the colour you can use Humbrol 181, Gunze Sangyo 54, Testors 1717, Xtracolor X121 or Lifecolor UA047.

Personally, for paint mixing I use some of injection syringes.Also there are offered special droppers.


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