Recent Purchases (6 Viewers)

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Squadron had a huge sale on books last month so when I ordered some paint from them I took the opportunity to substantially increase my reference library. A few of them were $5, most were $2 or $3, and a couple were $1. Can't beat that!


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I've heard good things about that kit H. Looking forward to seeing it come together.

Edit: crossed post Glenn. Nice haul! I missed that sale but got a bunch of books last year in a similar sale.
That engine is a jewel Wayne and the seat has the right shape Cheers

You know I was over there the other day and someone was doing the pit a real piece of art it was the trim chain that reinded me in the review.

Here is the build I did not notice that the builder did not like the seat?? It seems when I had to make a seat for the 1/24 I have I was going for that shape;anyway......CyberHobby (Dragon) Bf109E4 - LSP Forums

the said pit from the above build.


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Certainly looks very good, but I agree with the reviewer about the shape of the seat - way too narrow at the top, and too 'heavy' in the seat pan. Hope it fits together better than the Dragon Mustang!
Terry I think it's pretty close and Ray over at LSP upon writing a review of I think five different 109E's produced lately came to same conclusion .His solution was that one might shave 1-2mm off the top and rebuild the roll

This is the same Build I take this to be OOB.Doug from over @LSP is one doing the build.


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