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thank you all.

Igor it may go into the next GB but it is for my line up of Jg301 aircraft, i've done a Fw190 A-9, got a dora and a Bf109 G-10 and now will have the Ta 152 to complete the line up !!!!
I was given this today, as a belated Birthday prezzie.Quite appropriate, so soon after the 75th anniversary of the Spitfire.
It needs a bit of repair work, but rather unusual.


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It's supposed to be a bronze casting, possibly from a silver original which might have been made by Garret's. The Spitfire is certainly fairly heavy metal, although possibly not 'real' bronze. The 'cloud' base seems to be a bronze-coloured alloy.
Thanks guys. Andy, the Spit itself is slightly smaller than 1/72nd scale, maybe 1/76 or 1/80th.
This arrived today, a 1964 issue of the Monogram kit, the only kit I could get for a MkIIc trop.
Basic, but good overall, with plenty of room for scratch-building. Ready for the next Bob Cross kite now!


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Not in 1/48th, unless it's the same (Monogram) kit. Looked at all possibilities, with best being Hasegawa, now OOP, and just missed one .... b*ll*cks!
But, this old kit will do the biz - with a bit of work !
I'll probably start a thread on the build soon - probably a lot of scratch-building and other stuff ... it's got to be done !!
I have that Hurricane on my display shelf Terry. Decent kit, but like you said 'Basic'.
This one came in the mail today and is about along the same lines of your Hurricane. Nice overall shape with fine raised panel lines, but no wheel wells and very basic cockpit. Jack has been bugging me for a shark-mouth P-40 for some time so I picked it up for him. He's insisting at the moment that we start it right now! Maybe I can convince him to post something on it.


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He started it tonight, painting some of the cockpit parts. I'm trying to talk him into starting a thread. I think he will, he just didn't want to get into another group build. I had to push him a little on that last one to finish it and I think it might turned him off on it somewhat.
Yep, would be nice to see it coming along Jack, just do it when you feel like it.
Andy, I looked at the Hobbycraft kit, but I was lead to believe that only the MkIID kit had the tropical filter, although all the kits have the other parts included. Just missed the IID as well! No probs, I think I can make the Monogram kit look the part.

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