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Andy, I looked at the Hobbycraft kit, but I was lead to believe that only the MkIID kit had the tropical filter, although all the kits have the other parts included...

Too bad about the misinformarion. The kit I referred to does have the trop filter but the decals are crap. Unfortunatley I missed the MTO GB. Would have been a good candidate so will build it some day as a STF Build.
B*gg*r! Ah well, both the Hobbycraft and Monogram kits have their inaccuarcies, so it's swings and roundabouts I suppose. Good to know for future reference though, thanks Andy.
Nice Wojtek!

Not really a model, but still a recent purchase that I made yesterday...

A 2011 Kia Forte! Mine's basically identical to the photo, but it can't be that one in particular as the weather's way too nice in the photo.
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Nice little vehicle but to drive that in Calgary in the winter, I'd have to park it on the main road and walk to my house. Maybe some day they'll plow the sidestreets on a regular basis so we don't all have to drive high-clearance 4x4's.
Happy new mega compressor Wojtek my friend!
I reckon PRU Blue would be a good colour for the new wheels Cory ! Or, if feeling slightly gay, that pink colour the Spitfire FR IXs wore .........
G'day guys!

Been away for a while (nice to be able to use the forum without the virus warnings now...)

Went to a national model competition at Szolnok last week (as spectator), and managed to score these..
I could be wrong, but I think it may be a reissue of the Pegasus Models kit (judging by reviews of that kit)

Btw, the top bagged kit is an Avis Henschel Hs 123B-1 minus instructions, decals, and many parts (including upper fueslage decking...damn), the lower a 1:48 Luftwaffe weapons set.
The resin components are home mouldings of various aftermarket sets (the Merlins have Aires printed on their bases!), and the Anson seems to be the original '60's boxing - still bagged!

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You should have seen the nearby aircraft museum my friend! Competition was at the Szolnok helicopter base - preserved examples of almost every aircraft and helicopter type used by the Hungarian airforce since the end of WW 2 to present - just needs a MiG-29 and Gripen to be complete!

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