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Remember building the old Monogram one, when it was molded in yellow, a bit of a nostalgia trip this one. Thinking of doing it in black, nicer wheels and white sidewalls or something, if you can find that kinda stuff...
by the time the last thing you bought

Now I'm after two models one mc mc 202 and 205 of Taurus models to 1/48, by the time the 2012 acquisitions will be because after this I will start again to devote to the library and replace paintings.
Don't remember that it was this many parts in the kit! Black me think, with chromed steel wheels (from my '49 Mercury kustom kit), instead for those supplied with the kit with whitewalls....and wooden deck.

I believe that's exactly what they were called. lol what's the railroad scale for 1/133? or 1/132? I think I may wanna do a diorama, with passengers and fuel truck.

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