Recent Purchases (1 Viewer)

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Ok, Ok...settle down, didn't realise the natives would get so restless....

Eagle Editions 1/32 Drop Tank, this will be for my Fw190D-9 White 1 R4m loaded bird.
Ki-61 Decals from Techmod 1/32
Ki-61 Tei Conversion set for slightly longer Nose section version
Eagle Editions 1/32 Ta152 decals

and also check the Book section too...


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Nice acquisitions Wayne. I saw the Wolfpack Tei conversion and thought about it for my Ki-61 build but didn't go for it. My plan is to build a 1/48 scale Tei from Hasegawa.

As for acquisitions here's what I picked up this week. These are my first P-39 and P-40 kits.
I read the AMTECH kit is very good and it comes with a resin tail should I wish to build a K-5. Otherwise I could opt for a P40E.

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This lot was from Hannants too, 11 days this time..last order took 5 weeks.....rather odd that?
Yes, I remember that episode Wayne. It was around the time that the mail here went a bit awry too, with odd delivery times, and delays (of a few days, a week at most) on everything handled by Royal Snail.
Still rather odd though, when, as you know, average postal times from UK to Oz are around 7 to 10 days.
Things seem to have improved here though - I now get two deliveries per day (not counting any separate Parcel deliveries), given there's mail of course, something which hasn't happened for a couple of years. I understand that Hannant's have given Royal Mail a bit of blast too, and can now deliver some things RM refused to handle, although they have out-sourced other delivery methods for mainland UK also.
Cool Andy and Jan!

Got these from HLJ Wednesday....grabbed me another 1/32 Ta152 which will be done as a H-0 to go with my H-1 done in the Group Builds the other 2 were well priced from a recent sale at 40% off, 109 is 1/32 the Fw190 is 1/48.


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Good stuff chaps. Looking forward to seeing what that Dornier is like, Jan old boy!
A few goodies arrived from Hannant's today, mainly bits for the (eventual) build of the Tamiya Lancaster, which needs a lot of corrections, and an equal amount of scratch-building!


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Excellent purchases folks. I have a find, not a purchase. Something that I have had since my early days of model building and it had been forgotten. Went through the bottom drawer of my toolbox at work and found a old box, taped up and all. Didn't have any idea as to what might be in it so I cut it open and this is what I found. Had not seen it in years and don't remember as to how it got in the toolbox to begin with. If I had known I still had it I would not have purchased the Iwata I now have. It is a Binks Wren B. My mother bought for me over thirty five years ago. And YES, I plan to use it as soon as I clean it up. I don't remember what type of pattern it lays down but will find out soon.


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