Recent Purchases (3 Viewers)

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Yes, I know it's absolutely o.t. but I wanted to try one of those very nice kits and a very interesting subject, this one:
I got the above box with me on my my holiday place and I will start putting her together, in the time that grandchildren will let to me.
Nice one Alberto. I've always liked the Albatross, and wouldn't mind doing that and a SE5A in 1/32nd scale, although I have to stop buying kits, or I'll never get the stash finished !
As I mentioned earlier in this thread I was going to a special hobby store in Calgary this week because I'd be down there for an appointment. I first went last year, and there's nothing like it in the Edmonton area so I was looking forward to it. However, when I got there I was greeted with sad news as the owner passed away last week. A family friend was working on selling off as much as he could before shipping a lot of it to Hong Kong. So while I got some good deals on kits, it was for a horrible reason.

All of this cost my dad and I just of $300.

Following are the kits I bought.

I'll definitely need some assistance on the C.205 as 1) I've never built an Italian aircraft before and 2) it's got a lot of resin parts, so it's a bit scary!

The P-38 and P-40 are both 1/48. It'll be interesting as I think I'll have to remove the white stripes on the P-40 from roundels and then attempt to paint them, as the stripes appear to be that off-white. The roundels oddly are completely fine.
I'll definitely need some assistance on the C.205 as 1) I've never built an Italian aircraft before and 2) it's got a lot of resin parts, so it's a bit scary!


I think I could be of some help on the Macchi C 205, I built two of them from the Pacific Coast Model, just let me know what you need.
Nice Karl, I bet it's more detailed than the old Monogram.

These just came in the mail. I really need to start building them faster than buying them.


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