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Just received this from Model Hobbies, for use stripping the very old, very tough polyurethane varnish and enamel paint on the "633 Sqn" Mosquito conversion, and that failed AK Metal on the Mirage III.
It's a 50 ml bottle of a gel-like substance and, according to the reviews, works very well. I'll try it out later today and see what the results are like - hopefully, it should be better than tedious sanding and scaping !

Some supplies arrived today, replacement paints, a large bottle of matt varnish, and some resin parts.
The Spitfire exhausts are for use on the "633 Sqn" Mosquito currently underway, whilst the Eduard Brassin wheels are for a forthcoming "mini diorama", using the old Monogram 1/48th scale Hawker Typhoon.

Andy, it's the same varnish I've been using for the last couple of years, after Karl suggested it.
My original 60 ml ( 2 fl.oz.) bottle is nearly empty (cost, from memory, around £3 to £4 ), so I got this 500 ml (16.9 fl.oz) for £12 - heck of an overall cost saving.
I've found it works wonderfully, just thinned a bit with tap water for airbrush use ( I believe Karl uses it 'neat', applied with a brush), and gives a nice, matt finish, with a very slight sheen. Less thinning will give a very flat, matt finish and it only needs a small amount of the varnish to cover a Mosquito sized model.,
So far, I haven't had any problems with it, and only wish I'd tried it years ago, and I keep meaning to try their gloss version too.
I've just replied to a question from Andy about it, in my "633 Sqn" Mossie thread.
I've been using the same varnish in the 60ml bottle for a couple of years now and, from memory, it cost around £3 to £4. This new one cost £12, and is 500 ml, so great value !
With 400+ kits in the stash, I haven't bought anything in quite a while except for the "newer" tool 1/48 Airfix P-51D. Over the years, I've bought (and built) my fair share of the Tamiya and Hasegawa kits. A friend recommended the Airfix kit so about 3 weeks ago I snagged one at Hobby Robby (typo intended!) and it's currently in the painting stages. Gotta say it's now my "go to" 1/48 P-51D kit. Overall, very impressed. Does it have its shortfalls? Absolutely and if anyone wants my .02 cents as to what those are, I'll gladly oblige but I enjoyed the build so much that I recently got the D-5 kit (fillet-less tail) and will be starting that shortly. Since I already have multiple Tamiya and Hasegawa in the stash, I'll still build them but in 1/48, it's Airfix for me from here on out.
I fancied doing something slightly different, and saw these on offer with good discounts, so had a splurge and got myself some Covid Christmas prezzies.
They should arrive over the next few days, and maybe they'll help me get back into the swing of things properly, being 1/24th scale, as I'm struggling with my normal 1/48th scale stuff at the moment, due to the stiffness, pain and swelling in my wrists and hands - the course of steroids is helping a bit, but the sooner I can get that overdue treatment, the better !
I'm intending to "customise" the little Lotus, using bits from the spares box and some scratch-building, and finish it in the colours of either the Gold Leaf Team Lotus, or John Player Special Lotus F1 cars of the late 1960's and early 1970's.
The two Escorts will be done as replicas of the cars I owned back in the early 1970s and mid 1980s.

Escort 1.jpg
Escort 2.jpg

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