Recent Purchases (3 Viewers)

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My latest: Zvezda 1:72 Messerschmitt Bf 109F-2.

To be converted to an F-4, to replace Italeri's offering as the control aircraft of my Mistel 1.

- And don't be fooled by the 'snap fit' and low parts count - this is a lovely kit, and yet very cheap! I like that in a model


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So.... I've been having problems with my air compressor and even though I've taken it apart (to the limit of my ability) I can't find anything wrong with it, it just stalls when the air isn't flowing. I went to the local hobby store and ordered a new one. But while there this caught my eye. How can you say no to $7.00 to a kit that won't show up in GB for at least 3 years??!? This is a Shindenkai, a cocktail napkin re-engine of the Shinden. Perfect because it doesn't fit in anywhere with any of my built kits. No decals so I can paint it anyway I want. Captured US maybe?

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