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You found a Davidson Russian?
No.................... silly goose!
Have to settle for this one.
Couldn't find enough info for Davidkov and his Lagg3.
Although in discussion with someone more knowledgeable than myownself, Davidkov is Not a sir-name!
But I get to scratch build skis and a rather tattered winter scheme.

My B-17G for GB52 is piloted by a Davidson!!!!!!
And I thought you found a Davidsonski
Glenn, as mentioned, the B-25 is either a re-boxed AM kit, or a very close clone, released by Revell late last year.
The original AM kit was also boxed under the Academy, Doyusha and Italeri labels, all around the same price in the UK ( average around £44+ ), with the Revell example being a bit less in price.
Very happy I got this at the relatively low price !

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