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With this recent Regia Aeronautica kick, I had to look for decals. I was fortunate to find what I was looking for. I was going to stick to 1/72 scale, but have decided to do some in 1/48 scale. My wife was kind enough to contribute a Airfix Ju-87 to my small collection of three Bf110's and lone Bg109G. One BF110 is going to be Italian and I have decided to make one of the others a German aircraft with Iraqi markings.
Just communicated with an IPMS builder who contributes builds to the mags. He binned his KH F-35B after getting up to the point of painting. He has a beauty MENG F-35A on the web!

Confirmed my suspicions! I should but......... nah, yeah!
Just communicated with an IPMS builder who contributes builds to the mags. He binned his KH F-35B after getting up to the point of painting. He has a beauty MENG F-35A on the web!

Confirmed my suspicions! I should but......... nah, yeah!
I bought the KH F-35A but rapidly decided against it. When Meng brought out their A I got it.
I bought the KH F-35A but rapidly decided against it. When Meng brought out their A I got it.
Ok. Just peeked at the Meng line on one if the suppliers I use web site. Other than many are unavailable those that are, like a Me 410, appear pricey (in 1/48), but reviews tend be positive. Cautioning about their complexity, but adding a great build if patience holds. Not getting hits on scalemate. Are these new?
Ok. Just peeked at the Meng line on one if the suppliers I use web site. Other than many are unavailable those that are, like a Me 410, appear pricey (in 1/48), but reviews tend be positive. Cautioning about their complexity, but adding a great build if patience holds. Not getting hits on scalemate. Are these new?
Been out a few years. I've got a 410, F-35A and F/A-18F from them.

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