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I don't know what I want for Father's Day. I have been thinking about the Gaspatch Otsu-1 and the ICM Ki-86/K9W1 kits.
It's been a busy time. Where too start?? Also went out and purchased decals to make them into what I envisioned when I purchased them.The two 1/48 are my specials as one is going to be a Regia Aeronautica aircraft and the other one of the Fliegerfuhrer Irak aircraft sent to Iraq.
Have you had a chance to consider the IBG PZL Los? Amazing kit and cheap.
Box with my small pile arrived. The other five are just kits I already have.


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That Airone could be an interesting build. :D
Totally agree. The reviews say it is a challenge. It has six decal options. However, I purchased some decals from Italy which give me some other options. I purchased some other sets to build some Bf109F's and G's, as well as some BF110's in the Regia Aeronautica. I wanted something different from the usual.

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