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I've been left with myself and evilbay again!
Seems like I'm always buying PAINT!!!!!!!
Hataka Hobbies has a 40% off their Red line this weekend. At your check out put in "Red22" (no " marks). Sounds Japanese but they are out of Poland. Red line is their airbrush acrylic line. I picked up $90 worth of paint sets for $50 out the door. So far i really like the paint and it generally takes less than two weeks from shipping to my door.
Picked this up at a local thrift shop. Seems to be missing one MLG door, which should be easy to replace, as well as one bomb. Appears to be superior to that 1/32 Revell P-47D kit I had about 50 years ago.

And it looks like snap to assemble, but I am a bit concerned about that "Adult Assembly" warning......

Picked this up at a local thrift shop. Seems to be missing one MLG door, which should be easy to replace, as well as one bomb. Appears to be superior to that 1/32 Revell P-47D kit I had about 50 years ago.

And it looks like snap to assemble, but I am a bit concerned about that "Adult Assembly" warning......

View attachment 689280
P-47 still inna crate.............................WOW

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