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Just won this on e bay, and will attempt to convert it into the two-seat example (shown below), which my friend, Max, flew in back in June last year. If I succeed, then the model goes to Max.
I'm doubly pleased, as not only have I been trying to find this kit since last year, but I got it for only £15, when they've been going for silly prices, with one, at least, having a starting bid of £65 !!!
This will be the second BoB movie Buchon, having built one a few years back, in single seat "movie configuration.

Or when Merlin powered the Luftwaffe

I do like your spirit

Aye, it's The McCallan !

Highland Park if you please....for their Fr.....Old Norse, viking, inspired....products!
That's a great buy!
My update of last month. The Eduard Ki-115 was the most expensive one at $42 last second bid win.


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Needed books too.


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Let us all know how you like the new Ki 21 please.
As soon as it arrives, I will unbox and let everyone see what's in the box. Here are the kit instructions in PDF format. There are four unit decal options. They are kind of drab. It's a good thing I have plenty of markings of this in the decals box.


  • ICM Ki-21 instructions.pdf
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