Revell 1/32 Scale Seafire?

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Benevolens Magister
Aug 24, 2008
Cheshire, UK
Has anyone got, or seen, the current Revell Seafire in 1/32nd scale?
I'm trying to save a bit of cash, as I'm going to do another cross-kitting conversion to make a Spitfire MkXIV, using the Revell (ex-Matchbox) Mk22/24 as a donor, and the Hasegawa MkV (again!) for the fuselage and wings.
As the Revell kit is half the price of the Hasegawa, it might be worth looking at. But, if it's just a re-hash of their old late 1960's Mk1, then I'll stick with the Hasegawa kit, having used it for three conversions already.
Any comments/views would be appreciated.
That'll be great if you can get a look at the parts Cory. There's no rush mate, the Revell Mk22/24 kit is arriving on Thursday, but I won't be doing anything until I choose which other kit to use, and then I won't start for a while. Cheers mate.
No probs Wayne - I feel it in my bones that I'll end up using the Haswgawa kit again anyway, just thought I'd find what I could on the Revell kit. Can't really see it being other than a re-hash of the old Mk1 though.
Terry, I should be able to look today as I'm going to "convince" my father to take me to the store today for scratch on letters for my Avenger. It's not very hard to convince him as he's the guy who got me into modelling in the first place!
OK, thanks mate! Make sure you only come away with the letters though! If you're likie me or Jan, you'll go to the LHS for, say, a tube of cement, and come out with at least one kit! Never fails!

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