Revell Junkers 88 A1 1:32scale

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Well done, now you can extend the run way and add a Ju-52 for support hehehe!!!! Then again you may kill me also. By the way did you ever get the seat covers finished and installed on the old Ju-52???
thanks :) the diorama is getting close to finish ( if i ever get it finished..for each detail i add i discover new details i can add :) )
and Midcrow.. that is progressing..right now i have a saddlemaker doing another leathercushion for a seat in the back of the Ju 52..and when he is done with that he will come to the museum to make measurements for the pilotseats and the canavas for the other seats in the its progressing.. but will take a littlewhile before we get it done.. as its ummer and everything is slow..and i also need to plan the cost so it fits in our monthly budget :)

and that is not a bad idea..just to bad there are no 1:32 scale Ju 52.. need to get revell to make one of those..hehe

i would love to see a Ju 52 in 1:32 but i guess that is not such a popular i guess that will only be in my dreams..


  • CA+JY.jpg
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Wow! That would be something! Not a bad price for a short-run, to order, vac-form in that scale either - works out to about £105. OK< a lot of dosh, but not if it's what you want, and the scope for detailing should be immense.
How many you having Mr G.?!!
i HATE vacumform.. lol

just impossible to work with.. i have seen people doing wonders with those kits and details that are beyond imagination.. but i tried a couple once.. and they went pretty fast into the garbagepile.. hehe
so those i leave to the pros :)

vacofobia it is :)
just made a few updates on my diorama..decided that i wanted the 88 to be "loading" so i have two racks on the right side loaded with bombs and just one beeing loaded on the left.. the last bomb will be arriving by a guy with the bombtrolley ( have the kit but havent made it yet )
also wired up the bombsystemvires that goes back to the tail.. now i need to start making all the men i need.. so far its about 15 guys or more i have stacked up for this diorama..also three guys pulling the wire to lift the bomb..

i apinted the red on the tailfins crude ( as we have sevarsl original tails in the museum and they are all painted crude..but ofcourse this was done by a guy and a bucket with paint in a hurry as it was just to show what type of bombs it was..and only for one time use..hehe )


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seen from front with one rack loaded and other under progress and the bombstack in the back with different purpose bombs

its just so much fun one can do with a never gets done.. i still have planty ideas left that i want to make into this dio :)


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the whole diorama.. i kinda liked the thing with the bomb beeing raised up and it turned out ok i think.. now i just need those guys.. uhh..i hate doing people.. hehe
and ofcourse the bombtrolly is up next..and wheelchocks.. and rudderblocks ( those small red things to lock the rudder and ailrons )

and a fueltruck with drums..and crew for the 88mm flak.. crew pulling the bombwires to raise the bomb..guys refueling.. armourguys.. pilot and crew.. gusy that came in with the kubewagen..
.. guy pulling bombtrolley.. its quite a few guys that need to be done.. :shock:


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if they dident have a lift nearby that could lift high enough they could do it like is a picture showing a 100Kg bomb beeing lifted in place.. on the whole picture one can see 6 men oulling in the end of the rope going under the wing..
on so heavy bombs they used a little different system with another schakle between the racks and the tail..
but still a nice way to do it.. field way :)

and a nice little touch to my model i think

will find some bettr pictures of this thing been done :) its now 3am so its bedtime here..hehe


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