Revell Junkers 88 A1 1:32scale

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some more details added to my dio.. a motorcycle..a bombtrolley and wheelchocks..and also added smoke to the cigarettes on the smoking soldiers..
and still have about 20 figures waiting to be done ( its just that i hate to do figures..hehe )
need to weather to motorcycle.. wonder if i ever get done with this dio.. and i guess you guys are all tired of it..hehe


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the second smoking guy..and i also started on a C-2 88 but something happened when i gave it a clear coat ( the canopy turned white ) so i figured ( as i made the C-2 we have in our museum ..( its just a wreck after 60 years on a mountain and picked clean with a axe.. )) as the C-2 i made would be perfect for a dio on the mountain a cold winter/spring day back in 1940 as it was pretty complete when it was left alone on the mountain ) allthough it dident have the Kg 30 emblem..but that was put on before it ended up as a mountain wreck dio..hehe
but the code is correct..and also tried to bend the propellers the same way and also tore loose the left propeller


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thanks Gnomey and Wurger. The wrecked Ju 88 C-2 in the mountain turned out quite ok after all.. not planned to be a bellylanded 88..startet it as a showmodell..but after the failure with the clear cooat turning canopy white it fittet perfect laying on a moist mountainside as it was back in 194o.. so now i made it into the bellylanded c-2 we have in our museum
this is all in the gig plans..its alla bout the attack on Norway..special happenings we make in 1:48 or 1:32 ( crsahes and stuff ) but the main airport dio will be in 1:72. my good friend Vinvcent is crakking on getting all the correct codes for all the lanes that was there in 1940. we have plenty of pics to go from.. so we thinik it willbe a nice dio when done.. the C-2 now laying on the mountain a latse winter/early spring day has been abondoned for some weeks now..snow is melsting and souvenirhunters are at it..will get some civillians up ther in 1:32 soon :) as this is made with Revells 1:32 kit Ju 88
but again..this is how our C-2 wreck looked after bellylanding..


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the clearcoate actually gave the modell a i have a cold dewy moistery morning up in the mountains and that is how those windows will look..hehe

here is ( as with the Ju 52 diorama ) some of the pictures i worked from..allthough i made the dioa a bit later in spring so the snow has almsot ,elted..and the plain has been starting to get stripped..


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thanks :) now what is exctaley those groupbuilds ? hehe
been looking a bit into that..but its a timeline ?? that i cant modell under..due to work and all other thinsg i never know when i have time to do modelling..

and proton..i love crashdioramas as well :) and i think the last one turned out quite nice :)
qutie right 13 :) hehe

and you got some wood cooming yourw ay so get your a** of the chair and get yourself a Ju 88 :) hehe

and wayne.. i am really looking forward to see your 88 build ( and yours 13 ) :)

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