Revell Junkers 88 A1 1:32scale

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i hope you guys that will bulid this Ju 88 1:32 will use my website to get the details correct..and i am here to help with questions, details and colours if there should be any problems.. but most details will be found on my website and the correct colours in cockpit and so on..
we in the museum are really proud that our Ju 88 A1 will be released in model by revell and that also our markings are present on the Ju 88 A1

best regards
Guttorm Fjeldstad
and another little note. if this kit will be a best seller ( as we all hope ) revell will make a upgradekit ( atleast what we spoke about under the construction of this model ) but due to the delays ( to many parts had to be made and i kept comming up with more and more details..LOL ) that was put on hold..its also spoken about beeing released in the future a A4 and a C model in 1:32
but that all depends on how the A1 is far as i see on the net and reactions ( and other websites it seems to already be a hit )
Oh man! Gimme, gimme, gimme!!!
Can't wait for it to arrive to my pre-order!
Jan, I think I've got some heraldry decals (shields etc), some possibly in 1/48th scale, and some in 'over sized' 1/72nd, that can double for 1/48th. Most are on old Microscale sheets, no longer available. what do you need?
Thanks Terry, old boy! I'm trying to find those for....

KG-54 Totenkopf
KG-55 Greif
KG-100 Wiking

Btw...was the engines and the wingspan the biggest difference between the A variants?
Hi Jan, I've got KG54 on a 1/72nd scale sheet, white skull and cross bones. They measure approx 4mm from the top of the skull to the base of the jaw. Might be a bit wee for 1/48th. though. I think I've got KG55 somewhere, not in their usual file, but I'm not sure, I'll keep looking. No luck on KG100 I'm afraid.
As far as I know, yes, they were the main differences in the '88, plus the fin/rudder, and rear cockpit canopy. I believe there were some shape changes to the fuselage, but I'm sure Mr.G will put us right! Can't find the 3-view plans I used for my A5, otherwise I'd check!
Just about to post some pics of the A5 conversion.
If the decals any use, you can have them; I'll need to put them on a piece of card, otherwise, once cut from the sheet, they'll not be seen!
Here's the conversion I did, from the old Hobbycraft 1/48th JU88 A4, into an A5. It was built about 12 years ago, and still not finished! Note, it's been given a quick dust, but the paintwork has suffered, and needs proper cleaning.
The engine nacelles were altered, a new rear canopy moulded, plus some under-wing work, aerials and antenneas, most of the latter not yet fitted, and other details here and there, including scratch-built interior. The codes were Microscale letters, which refused to resist 'silvering' for some strange reason, only time it's ever happened! The KG30 badge was hand-painted, and it represents an actual aircraft from the Stab in August/September 1940, based at Aalborg, Denmark, used in attacks on my home area, around Newcastle.


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nice Terry. keep it up and get it done..its about time..hehe

about the A4 fuselage.. its different from the A1/A5.. but the main difference is the area where the A1/A5 has the loopanteanna ( coverede by a square wodden plate and its not visible..the A1 and A5 used PRE 3 system) on the A4 is a round glasscover where one can see the antenne below ( also different anteanna PRE 6 ) on the side of the fuselage the A4 got handholds incorperated along the fuselage on each side !
some of the other bigger differences is the wingspan ofcourse ( from A5 and up ) and the vertical shanged dramaticly during the evelution of the 88 !! the A5 had the same vertical and rudder as the A1 but the A4 got a different rudder and vertical
the stabilisators also got the deicing ( rubbercover ) on the leading edges on A4 and up..another main big difference ( that has been put right now by revell ) is the size of the lifeboatcompartment in the rear of the fuselage.
its smaller on the A1 ( this is wrong in absolutely every book made about 88 since 1960..every drawing shows it with A4 size lifeboathatc..much bigger than the A1 )
another difference was the strenghtening of the undercarriagelegs ( from A5 and up ) but that is not visible in the models as the legs looks the same..its just the interior that has changed..the A1 up to A5 had springloaded legs but the later got hydraulic loaded legs !! and i can tell you one thing..dismanteling a springloaded leg is NOT of the most scary moments in my life unscrewing the bolt that hold the spring..and when that thing came..if anything or anybody had been standing in its way it would have been destryed completely or killed.. we had a concrete wall we "shot" it against..kinda adrenalinrush there..and a darn big mark in the wall where the hatch and spring hit..
another typical error also seen in most Ju 88 models is the little bulb on each side of the fuselage..also as i see on your model its to big ( to much standing out ) i know there has been a LOT of speculation about what these things were for..some say aerodynamic and so on..but i know for a fact what they are for and why the 88 has those bulbs.. it makes it possible to load up with two more bombs in the bomb bay.. without them the bombs would not fit that high up in the forward fuselage mounted on the racks.. ( this is 100% fact and we have even test tried with bombs to see and that is why they are there )
many differemces in the cockpit also from A1 to A4 but that we can take another time..hehe..the funny thing is that the A1 did not have any armourprotectiuon,not even the pilotseat..i will cover all those details with a1 and A4 in a new thread another day and time..i have it all on pictures and in my head..
Great info there, Mr.G! You're right of course about inaccuracies in models of the JU88, including mine! When I built it, I used a (then) just-published plan, that was much, much better than anything before it. But, as you say, there was a lot NOT known, until your bird arrived!
There's a good chance I might be 'picking your brains' about details, when I get the Revell kit.
there has been a lot of errors in earlier kits ( including promodellers Ju 88 ) i also see on your model that the divebreaks are in the wrong position ( all kits have the same fault ) but as you said..all this was not known until we brought the A1 to the surface..and it was all guesswork from most "experts " that had studied old pics.. and i am glad i managed to convince the director of Revell to make a A1 instead of a A4.. the A4 might be released later !!
but now we finally have a 88 from the most importent time of the war,the early years..the years that shaped all that would come

and my brain is there to ne used..LOL and ofcorse the website ( did you look at it ? )
It's a great thread, G. Yes, I've looked at the web-site, and very good it is too; even told my neighbour about it, as he's 'into' aircraft too!
Don't know about other modellers, but I've been waiting aq long, long time for an A1. Ever since I was about 12, and that's about the same time that Moses was a Corporal!
Just got to have the A1 for the early war and, most important, the Batlle of Britain! Everybody does the A4, in all scales.
Thought I'd let you know that, where I grew up, and lived until I was 18, near Newcastle, there was for many years a small boat moored almost under one of the bridges across the River Tyne. The boat was marked 'WRECK', and was rumoured to be marking the spot where a German bomber went in during a daylight raid in the BoB. A friend's father witnessed the aircraft being shot down, at low level, by a Spitfire (I guess 72 Sqn, from Acklington), and the Spits' spent cartridge cases rained down, piercing the corrugated steel roof of a warehouse/factory on the south bank of the river. The patches could still be seen in the late 1960's.
After I'd left the North East, I think in the early '70's, at least one bomb (500kg I think) was brought up from the site. Everybody said the aircraft was a Do17, but my friend's dad always said it was a JU88. If that IS the case, then it was probably from KG30, at Aalborg. So, I've got a KG30 model, I am from the area of a crashed KG30 JU88, and I've been on Aalborg airfield numerous times. Happy coincidence!
Now, it's time I went to bed, as my sleep pattern is upside down these last few nights!
i agree with you and it was about bloody time somebody did a a1.. and the thing you say here is also the same thing i said to the director of Revell.. " fine..make a A4..that has been on the marked for ever..all modelbuilders will go..Great..another A4 but thistime bigger..lots of buyers for that..and most will go..another that already..
BUT.. what about the A1..why dont be a first..make a A1 and be the first..make it battle of Britain and make all in england happy..and finally we have the stuff so you can get it be the first to make a the first to make a Ju 88 modell correct as there are none on the marked.. and how many museums and modelbuliders in England will buy a A1.. everybody..

and ofcourse you have seen the resault hehe

very nice story there why dont sombody do a little divesalvage at the spot and see what they find.. if he said that it was a 88 i am sure it was a 88
and i am sure there are a lot of nice relics down there

and i agree..time to catch some zzzzzzz


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