It's a great thread, G. Yes, I've looked at the web-site, and very good it is too; even told my neighbour about it, as he's 'into' aircraft too!
Don't know about other modellers, but I've been waiting aq long, long time for an A1. Ever since I was about 12, and that's about the same time that Moses was a Corporal!
Just got to have the A1 for the early war and, most important, the Batlle of Britain! Everybody does the A4, in all scales.
Thought I'd let you know that, where I grew up, and lived until I was 18, near Newcastle, there was for many years a small boat moored almost under one of the bridges across the River Tyne. The boat was marked 'WRECK', and was rumoured to be marking the spot where a German bomber went in during a daylight raid in the BoB. A friend's father witnessed the aircraft being shot down, at low level, by a Spitfire (I guess 72 Sqn, from Acklington), and the Spits' spent cartridge cases rained down, piercing the corrugated steel roof of a warehouse/factory on the south bank of the river. The patches could still be seen in the late 1960's.
After I'd left the North East, I think in the early '70's, at least one bomb (500kg I think) was brought up from the site. Everybody said the aircraft was a Do17, but my friend's dad always said it was a JU88. If that IS the case, then it was probably from KG30, at Aalborg. So, I've got a KG30 model, I am from the area of a crashed KG30 JU88, and I've been on Aalborg airfield numerous times. Happy coincidence!
Now, it's time I went to bed, as my sleep pattern is upside down these last few nights!