Revell/Special Hobby Hawker Tempest 1/32- Finished

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1st Lieutenant
Nov 20, 2007
I started on this because no stuff came in for me today from the post man and plus been watching videos on YT of the Tempest.I watched the last night the dedication of one being restored in the UK with a sabre engine that has never been fired up yet new in the crate 80years now!!So I mentioned on another thread that slips me at the moment should/when I start this build the WW's would be the first place I venture to.I have seen builds stall when they get here even a YT vid.Well....I decided the instructions suck in this area and since they give you a Nice relief in the lower wing I started with the front piece and worked clockwise and it went together like a champ.The upper wings have already been checked for fit and it slips in like a dream.I will finish the wing and move onto the fuselage in the next couple of weeks.


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You must have lots of space to display your models Kevin.
It's starting to get limited Andy I need to build another cabinet(floor) to house some more 1/48 and 1/350 ships then it's from the the shop to the house I give that another two years. ;)
I got to stop on this one waiting on belts from SB usually keep them around but only have the Sutton in the stash as far as Brit stuff goes.I am not very good at dirtying stuff up it's what you get.Back to the 110.

After seeing the photos will tidy it up some here and there.


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I have gotten past what has made a few put this kit on the SOD.The WW's in my instructions had you build them outside the wing and insert them afterwards screwy plans angles involved.The next issue I heard of was once the copit was inserted failure of the fuse to slip into the wing?I did encounter that but took me 30 minutes of grinding/sanding to overcome the obstacle.One has to grinding/sand the the very inner WWs that encounter the copit tubing and sand the outside of the tub some.I have my seatbelts coming from Eduard tomorrow with some others for Japanese and MkIX with a book.I will finish the 110 soon enough just find the challenges of this limited run kit interesting.


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Looking good Kevin. Not sure those wheel wells were grey/green though.. Terry? Airframes Airframes
I found this at BritModler from Mr.Brooks:
Before its restoration, I saw the RAF Museum's Tempest, when it was at Cardington, and the wells were green, legs and door interiors were silver.
Yes, some disparities concerning the wheel well colours.
In general, Hawker aircraft (Hurricane, Typhoon and Tempest) had these areas finished in "Aluminium", which was a semi-matt silver colour.
However, I have seen photo evidence that suggests the wheel bays were sometimes finished in the grey-green paint, with door interiors in "Aluminium", and also wells and doors in grey-green. It may be that the grey-green was applied later in the airframe's life, but I have not been able to confirm this.
Yeah Terry I found over at HS another conversation weras EB got involved in were a fella took pics of the WW's before the restoration of two AC one was GG and the other he said was almost Sky in color?He summarized that the Sky probably was GG at one point and had faded that much.He did state that the copits were all black bring into question a postwar machine. :dontknow:
My first post tonight is going to be about procedure and Don't Forget the Part!.I was building the nose and having some issues wondering why is was such a PITA getting part H9/H43 and H10/44 to get a good alignment within the nose cavity?I continued to build I built up E2/E3 but did not glue in yet I went an grabbed E1/E18 part of the lower fuse and front wingroot while providing a roof inside the was about 1/32" off coming out the back of the nose.I had to file E1 and sub-assembly #34 accordingly all because I forgot to install D2 in the nose which would of aided on a positive blocking plate for H9 and H10.Just a heads up it works this is one part of the build you follow the instructions to the T.I got it all worked out just extra work for me.


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The copit is complete and let me tell ya building the seatbelts well let's be Nice a chore with Quinta on the scene that skillset was weak.The belts are RB Productions with a little of Tamiya dust applied.The very rear bulkhead while tight it opened the fuse outwards tightened up the fuse/wing seam even more so me likey.I am trying to loosen the bulkhead right behind the seat with the plate it's off to the right maybe 1/32' if that WD40 and Acetone were mixed and lightly applied no luck may just live with it.
The nose to fuse is just about as good as it gets she has had her challenges "Yes" but I have kinda enjoyed them abit.That's all for now guys got to put in a little more work tonight on her.


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