RF-82 Twin Mustang prototype

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To clarify, the designation RF-82 was never used; though a photo pod was tested on a P-82B (F-82B) bailed to NAA, the aircraft involved (s/n 44-65172) retained its production designation throughout.
according to article I saw 192 were built
i actually saw one at an air show with a B 36 in about 1950+-
I suspect that article was referring to 'standard' P-82/F-82. I've been through every P-82/F-82 record card, so can verify that the designation 'RF-82' was never used on a production or test model. It is however possible that in the early days a recce P-82 version was discussed, but it would have been designated in the 'old' system so would have probably been designated 'F-16', 'F-17' etc.
Explain the noses being from Merlin powered Twin Mustangs? The Allison powered F-82E day fighters had 12 exhaust stacks (that were unshrouded) per side, and the supercharger intake mounted further back on the nose. Merlins had 6 shrouded exhaust stacks and the supercharger intake immediately behind the spinner.

Compare and contrast these photos:

Unless it's one of the F-82 F/G/H night fighters that was used for this, but those were mostly painted black until after the start of the Korean War and doesn't explain the supercharger intake positioning.
I should note that in my search for good books on World War II aviation subjects that I'm interested in that the P/F-82 Twin Mustang book that came out last year (which I'm def. getting soon!), there is a section with photos that details various pods that the F-82 carried experimentally, including the machine gun pod, and the "RF-82" camera pod.

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