RNZAF Corsair Build

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2nd Lieutenant
May 25, 2008
New Zealand
Well this thread is going to follow the progress of my RNZAF Corsair Build

I didn't realise that the whale would grow to 1.6m until tonight and was abit worried that it was getting to big but then I thought what the hay it is a Corsair after all

Making this for my 3 year old sister who is quite a plane lover.If you ask her what a plane is she can tell you all the details whether it's a big one or not or if it's Qantas or Emirates and such other info you might want to know

right first work seesion started tuesday from 10-30 to about 2am

woke up early to get at it today ,up at 4pm and just come in at 1:30 so started wednesday and overnighted to thursday

I'm sorta nocturnal in the school holidays you see

first batch are of what I did on tuesday,tis one of the ribs on the fusalage

Sorry if they take a while to load


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Wow, my man! You've certainly got the bit between your teeth, Daniel!
That was quick, and neat work. Looks like we'll be seeing a mini-Corsair well before Christmas.
alot more sanding and jigsawing and eating saw dust....

Last pic is of how I reinforced the firewall


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She takes shape....


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Proper modelling!

You don't hang around either do you? Hope you're wearing a mask cutting and sanding that stuff!

I'll be keeping an eye on this thread.
Thanks guys

No Muller sorry I have zero patience when I start something I'm keen on its like a Metallica song "Nothing else Matters"

I don't actually need to wear a safety mask because I learn't a very good second use for my Fan that I use to suck away my Air brush fumes turns out its good for sanding as well

The bench that its on has wheels so I can turn it around to suit

see the pic of the fan sucking sand particles out the window!

ps love the Siggy Mate!


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Is it MDF you're using? If it is I'd recommend a mask, that stuff produces some very fine particles, not nice if inhaled.
Very cool indeed. Are you building this from bought plans or did you make the design yourself? Wish I had an older brother like you when I was a youngster Keep up the great work.
Thanks Guys

Will be out again in about 10min to hopefully start work on the wings

I drew up all the plans ,want this to be as cheap as possible

hopefully more pics later today
Thanks guys

Yeah Chris plan on putting a pretty detailed R2800 in

Working on a steering system

tried to pick it up today

It's bloody heavy!
This is amazing Daniel! You got the idea, you drew the plans, you started building, all in less than a week, AND posted pics!
Hope B17 is looking at this, we might get some pics from him.......!!!
I'm not gonna get time to start til I come back from the next airsoft match then it will be all on!!! and Dan good call on the R2800 should buy a cheap cordless drill from the warehouse in it to crank her over!!???

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