RNZAF Corsair Build

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Well done Daniel.:thumbleft. What about an aircraft carrier for the Corsair? :lol:

hmmmmm maybe have to see how much wood I've got at the end of the build:lol:

Thanks Bucksnort101

just about to head out
Dan that is one sweet pic mate!!! would so love to see more of RNZAF corsairs flying but have to settle for the one we got for now which reminds me the weather here is getting better so it will not be long til 5648 will be passing over my house!!! but great progress!!! and as above you sure you're gonna be able to get out of the shed??
Hi there

looking forward to seeing more of this Im a big fan of Corsairs flown by our guys during the war

I assume you guys have a copy of Warren Russells RNZAF Corsair Markings book?

If not its a must have though he doesnt sell online you must write to him for a copy at around $50.

Heres a little bit of photoshop stuff I've done in the past for kiwi F4Us
if you dont mind me sharing.



Irate duck logo

Of course not Mate!

Good to see some New Zealand made RNZAF stuff

I don't have a copy of the book and have actually never heard of it until now

will look into getting a copy

if anyone heres interested in seeing some truely rip your heart out pictures here they are



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Wow! What a shame to see the scrap heaps. Imagine if they were still around now, there could be a whole squadron of Corsairs or P40's.
Yes, what are you going to cover ir with? One idea that could work, if there's a printer's place near you. Ask them if they have any used/scrap printing plates. These are made from annodised aluminium, and are fairly thin, depending on gauge. Even small A4 plates (actually bigger by about 2 inches all round) would work, although bigger would be better. They'd be easy to bend to follow the contours of the ribs, will cut very easily with tin snips or similar, and could be fastened by small nails to hold in place, then screwed down. Not only would it make life easier, they'd be durable, weather resistant, and realistic! Most printers, when finished with plates, weigh them in for scrap, or, if they're a smaller outfit, just bin them. They'll probably let you have some cheap, or for free. Worth a try.
Been watching this from the start... lookin' good ! The printing plates is a
very good idea, my wife works for a printer so I know about them. However,
the outfit my wife works for recycles them. Hope you're planning on folding
wings !

How about drink cans? Cut the ends off and along one side, I'm sure you'd find loads of undamaged cans at a recycling center, get 500 ml beer cans.
Thanks guys for the ideas and the link Phas3e:D

Good idea Terry and Muller

il look into your idea Terry and try and try out your idea tommorrow Muller

for now updates

4th work session time really flew between 12 and 1

alot of the work done today was a right pain in the as$

quite rewarding though after I had all the ribs cut out



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Didn't know they put Gryphon engines in the Corsair;)
Ribs and inverted gull look great so far. I also wish I had your workshop!!!

P.S. Don't give yourself a hernia lifting that off your workbench.
I still can't believe this! Not just the workmanship, but the sheer SPEED of the build! I wouldn't even have got past the 'thinking about it before drawing plans' stage in this time span! Absolutely incredible, great work Daniel!!
amazing dude!!! and those pics.... heart wrenching would be great to have more P-40's and Corsairs but we'll just have to wait, there are a few P-40 re-builds going on but not sure how far along they are?
One rebuild at Wigram looking pretty sweet

We all no what the F**king Losers ngai tahu(I spelt it with lower case
because they do not deserve upper case) are going to do to Wigram though

Then theres like heaps at Ardmore

Thanks guys for the comments be back out again soon

Feeling very depressed yesterday and today knowing Il only get about 2 hours to work on this a day when school rears its ugly head!

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