Robin Olds SCAT XXVII - Phantom F-4C

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That's phenomenal.
I want to do "Engine" Eddy Davidson Phantom from the USS Constellation for the Vietnam GB.
I love your color choices and the textures you have made under the tail.
Yours will be my guide.
Hello! I made a lot of progress on this build, so I could say that's almost done. I just post here one picture because I'finding difficulties in uploading pictures here since a while; see for instance what I just did for Marseille 109. Could someone tell me where I could find instruction to upload photos in an easy way? Many thanks.
Looking good. :thumbright:

Regarding pics .. click the button Attach files. Then click the pic you want to upload. When uploaded click the Post replay button.
Or when uploaded click either the button Thumbnail or Full image.Your pic will be attached to the post. To finish the procedure click Post replay button. And voila.
If you want to attch more pics , mark all of them in the file selector. When uploaded click the Post replay button.
Or when upladed , click either the button Thumbnail or Full image option seen at the top of the list of uploaded images. In the way you can attach all of them at once.
Or you may use the same two options seen next to each of pic thumbnails of the list. In the case there will be inserted one pic only. The way allows to put some of writing between attached pics in the post for instance.. When all is done , click the Post replay button.
Many thanks. I will try now with some other pictures on the Phantom. I mess I had was that I was getting on my screen several duplicates of the same photo, often in both the full size and thumbnail.
I will try in a minute.
Yes Alberto. These pics are displayed as thumbnails. The way of inserting pics allows to use the forum image browser when click one of the thumbnails. If you would click the Full image button your shots were inserted as the pics of full size. However the two first images were double inserting so I edited your post and removed them.
Many thanks for all comments! About uploading pictures, I thing my mistake was to use the icon "insert image" instead of "Attach file".
If you wanted to upload many files at once it might have been as the option allows to upload single pic only when using it.
Hi everybody and Merry Christmas first!!!

Not so much in line with the spirit of X-Mas, let me say that after nearly two years my replica of Ronin Olds war machine is finally complete. Just one picture here, more will follow soon in the "ready for inspection" page. Alberto
Feliz Navidad para ti y los tuyos!!

Your bird looks great Alberto. Ready for more pics and enjoy her details.

Saludos :santa: :thumbup: :reindeer:

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